
Joined: June 27, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 312693
                                                                                                               im a faggot :D
                                                                                                                                               instagram; angel_shouboo

Live love laugh go crazy:D  to ∞ and →
Hey thur. My name is Angel ,they call me rainbowdash:D ii love da unicorns
im in  love with pierce the viel ,sleepingwith sirrens, and  mayday parde also   BMTH, of mice&men so much more
writing   and  music u like that your my friend   i dont like dogs
i wanna get to know u
(fallow i fallow back )
cats ^.^




Quotes by itsmeangelshouboo

hey there my names angel, well i use to be the most fakest person ever cause i was terrifed to show the world the bands i liked so in easy words .. it was all important to what others think n,n well i found new friends older and they were just like the real me they showed me u dont have to fake who u are .. i always was the outcast anyways .. so whys it matter if people dont like me why act so imature when i know im mature well.. i was called fake some people knew the real story some got the story about how i cut,or how i was crack and thats why i died my hair blue and purple .. i always did stuff like that with my hair .-. then towards the end of the year new friends just like me well i went to the mall started socializing well boom suprise now my enxity is hiting so hard like i hate going to like mcdonalds .. or on the blke trail. well i stopped cutting this year ;D stoped smoking and basically ive been a little better still have suicdal thoughts every night but u have to keep fighting well back to the point this year i got my heart stolen felt so good to be happy i always had a bad feeling like im to happy its not right i dont desrve him or anything so well my heart got crushed to the point i cut again :c all my friends were like dude hes not good news i was like who cares what the others say i heard them say they want me happy and im happy .. well u know lost my friends cause that saying there so he broke me the night my sister ran away .. and he kissed my friend on this bridge where my fav memory with my mom is :c ive cryed days opon days .. no one was really there short story friend he kissed she got broken to now were like besties cx we dont like him he has his x back something says man wh**e right there xD so um sense then ive been alone and broken and lost theres so much more in my diary i just puut half a year together in a couple paragraphs if u wanna see my journal then comment and ill copy dates and stuff direct from there thanks i hope some people can relate :*     (spelling off so sleepy havent slept for 2 days ) no judging plesse 
they say that love is forever
your forever is all that i need plesse stay forever with me cant promise that thigs wont be broke but i swear that i will never leave .
 forever young

yeah my age is the clock who cares
just a number.
feel  like im on  top of the world - wid your love <3
wrap it
          with a pretty little
bow .
but there are
some thing you cant suger cote.
   its always
good time.

-who says nothing is..-
[ somfin u cant do]
i have been doing it for
= years=
- are just like stars
- you dont always see them
- BUT... you know there , there.
fav = true

         i  dont play football 
but i  make a
=international love