
Joined: November 10, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 236550

Quotes by itsalyssa_rawr

I hate those girls on witty who

talk to every single guy.  -___-


She took him faster then

you can say sabotage.

                                                                   - Taylor Swift


I hate that feeling you

get in your throat when

you're trying to talk and

you're about to cry.


:O + :P = 69


Every night she cries herself to sleep thinking,

Why does this happen to me?


Please, please,

don't leave me.

I was nothing. I felt like nothing, less than.

You changed that.

Why do I listen to music so loud?

Because it drowns out my world. 


Mascara ran down her face.

As her heart fell out of place.

She was looking for love,

He was looking for

mascara & boys,

always run.