
Joined: December 12, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 139315

Quotes by individuality

This life
» doesn't last forever
[             so tell me what you're waiting for
                    we're better off being together
              then being miserable alone                  ]
format credit to pieceinpieces
hold my hand-akon/MJ♥

Man says to God,"God , why did you make woman so beautiful?"
God says: "So you would love her."
 "But God," the man says, "why do you make her so dumb?"
  God says: "So she would love you."


i feel like everyone has a witty profiles account now.


  how did we ever come to this?
i never thought you'd be some i'd have to miss.. and there i was caught in your game needing answers
that never came. and we took a chance, you said you were strong enough, but you were wrong.

really needs its own group
on here.


i admit,
i say i hate him and think he's annoying.
but, honestly, i love him and think he's the most
amazing guy
in the world


I Love My Life
yeah i wish on almost every 11:11, but i wouldnt want to change my life a bit.
yeah, it would be good to have the little things. God made your life difficult for a reason.
He created all the hard obstacles because he knew you were smart enough and strong enough
to figure them out. im glad my life is the way it is. id like to have a boyfriend, but i have my friends
for that reason. i dont need a guy to make my life PERFECT.


you should be able to tell by the look in my eyes that i am not
o k a y