
Joined: June 26, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 187357

Hello beautiful, I'm Cailey & this is my  witty!

I'm Cailey, I'm a 13 year old girl from the burbs' of Chicago. I'm going to be a Freshman this upcoming school year and I'm turning 14 on August 14th!
" I'm a dreamer, In love with citys i've never been to and people i've never meet."  
This quote discribes my life perfectly. I love to travel, I love big citys and farms. I love rustic things, old school, and vintage things. I love Forever 21, Urban Outfitters, and H&M. Photography is my passion. I love cats & food & tumblr.    
Hey I just meet you, and this is crazy. But heres my tumblr  
so follow me maybe? (;
I believe that our most valubale possesion is our dreams, imagination, and creativity. I'm what you might consider a bit of a hipster. If you like to label. I'm just a girl, trying to find my place in this world. I play Tennis, Water polo, and Bowling. My favorite bands of all time is the Mayday Parade, Artist vs Poet, The Downtown Fiction, The Maine, Singer of this Century, The Summerset or The XX. I also like The  Beatles, Boys Like Girls, Five For Fighting, Foo Fighters, The Fray, Fun, Goo Goo DollsLifehouse, Maroon 5, Matchbox 20, Modern English, Oasis, Parachute, Plainwhite T's, Ron Pope and The District,, The Script,   Train, U2, Leighton Meester, Rob Thomas, Needtobreath, Ryan Star.  
I've never drank or smoked. Ever. Not even once. I care about school, I love my friends and family. I'm a Catholic. I love inspiring music and good books. Long car rides and the smell after it rains.
 Thanks for reading, Stay Beautiful. 


Quotes by iiWishOnStarXOxo

Hey I just meet you
and this is crazy, 
but get in the van.

Maydaparade > other bands

There lyrics actually mean something, and people can actually relate me. 


every single

one of you reading this is absoulutly beautiful, just the way you are. You're perfect in every single way. You shouldn't be upset with you're looks, body, face because you were made exactly an original because you're amazing the way you are. Please, never fell you're not good enough because you are. You are good enough, you are perfect, so many people care about you. If you ever need me. I'm here. 

You are absolutly beautiful in every single way.


   - iiWishOnStarXOxo


 You're only human you don'have to /////////////////////////  

have it together ever y second of everyday   

You're a good person who bad thinghave
happened to. The world is not split into bad and good people. We all have a little light and dark in us. It's the side we choose to act upon that defines us.
-Dumbledor, Harry Potter and the Half-blood prince.


The way I see it, in life sto

saying "I wish"  sscand star
everthinyou do is

s ay in g  I  wi l l .  Consider  nothing  imposible   then treat possibillities as probabilities. 



"Adventure is out there"
- Up  


Honestly I'disgusted right  now

 People always make fun of me because I make statuses to support people who are dealing with stuff like bullying in there life, and people don't care. They ignore it. They make fun of me. Yeah, we'll guess what an amazing, innocent boy is now dead because people didn't care. They never thought it would actually happen. Well guess what, it did. Now he's dead, what is it gonna take for people to grow up and understand that bullying isn't ok. Ever. A person is dead, gone forever because of thick skulked jerks. How would you feel if a person killed themselves because of you. They wrote a note blaming you. You would never. Ever. Live it down. So think about that before you go and mess with someone next time. Because now, Ryan's dead. Gone forever. Because people thought they were cool & ignored statuses like this. Honestly, how many more people have to kill themselves before you will all learn. So next time before you want to make fun of me because of my status think about who it could be saving. Or a anyone in general think about how you could be killing them. 
Rest in peace Ryan. Stay beautiful. RN20


To anybody who might be hurting
Life is tough as a teenager.
There are people out there who will tell you so many things about you, judge you, put you down. Mainly, because they've got nothing better to do. They will try so hard to break you, they're waiting to see you fall. I know its hard especially when you constatnly hear it. But what there saying, isn't true. Everyone make's mistakes. It doesnt make you a bad person. People make mistakes, you're good people who bad things happen to. The world is not split into bad and good people. We all have a little light and dark in us. It's what side we choose to act upon that defines us. Never forget that, no matter what they say about you, no matter what they try to convince you. You're beautiful, exactly who you are. Never ever change. Please. Except it yourself, love yourself. Be yourself, embrace everything about yourself. It gets better, it does. Keep your head up, you'll go far. I promise. I'm always here for anyone who needs to talk, please let me know if you EVER need anyone.

It shouldn't be popular and not popular
It should just be people♥