
Joined: August 22, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 210452

Quotes by ifrolicktheoasis

I'm letting 6 out of my 12 piercings close up.
Now that EVERYONE has them, its just not
special anymore.  i got each one for a certain
reason, and now its pointless.

Sometimes the people whom we've known for only
a short period of time have a bigger impact on our
lives than those we've known forever.

Sometimes we let other people words take over our lives.
If someone tells us our shirt is ugly, some of us would never
wear that shirt again. If someone tells us our teeth are crooked
we may never smile fully again. If someone tells us the way
wespeak is weird, some of us would never talk again. We'd
change and hide to please them because we want to fit in. But
fitting in is cliche and overrated. Be who you truly are, because
thats originality, and originality will always work for you.

One thing i have learned is them leaving
you doesn't mean they don't love you, it's just
not the right time in life for you to be
but when it is,
everything will fall into place.
if the pain is worth the wait, it will as if they

never left your side.

Dan Flint
'Nuff said.

Liking someone, that you'll never have a chance with, is all kinds of torture.


The ships have come to carry you home . . .

If One Direction was composed of
5 unattractive boys, i bet all the fans would

No one appreciates music anymore, just looks...
and to be quite honest they are not all that.
Did anyone see their X-Factor season?
They were awful.