
Joined: July 31, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 118831
Gender: F

Quotes by iceicebaaaby

everybody's waiting for you to breakdown,
everybody's watching to see the fallout,
even when you're sleeping,

keep your eyes open


so today, someone called my brother gay. first of all, you mess with my brother, you mess with me.
calling him gay won't make you any straighter, and it doesn't make you look cool or funny at all,
you look like a low life c/nt, you are a bully! do you like that title? it's my brother birthday
tomorrow too, he's turning 12, how would you feel if you made him miserable on his birthday?
d/cks. what p/sses me off is that one of the guys who laughed at this comment, is one of his friends, or
not now. if you were a friend you wouldn't laugh at some harsh comment which was made towards
your friend, you'd stand up for them. and so what if he's gay? if someone's gay, it doesn't matter. if
you're so low to judge someone because of their sexuality then you need to go get a f/cking life. so
wrong move d/ckhead to call my brother gay in front of me, that's only me who can ever call him
that, mess with my brother and you mess with me.


mess with my sibling       and
         you mess with me.


i hate it when things made sense in your head,
but nobody else's. 


don't like being ignored? 
don't give people a reason to then,




     every time i see myself,

                                               there's always something wrong with me.


one day, i'm going to pack up all my stuff and
move away from this sh*tty town, just you wait.


i always wonder when i will
outgrow Witty and leave for good.


today, i got put into a group from some people from my science class to research about tectonic plates. after we had completed the task we were set to do, the class was just sat talking waiting for the lesson to end. this guy who was in my group, (who i will admit is pretty weird) was sat on his own. when he was waiting, he pulled out a compass and started cutting at his wrist. the girl who was sat next to him screamed at him to stop doing it, and he did. after and when he was doing it , he had a smirk on his face. i can't describe how mad this had made me! he was doing this for attention. i had to do everything in myself not to go over and hit him! cutting is not something to joke about. it is not funny. and someone needs to tell him that, or i f*cking will.

before i say this, i'm not obsessed with the internet, i can manage without it. but i haven't had internet since last Friday. this wouldn't usually be an big issue for me, since i can usually cope without the internet, and on a positve note i have a maths exam this friday to revise for anyway, so Witty, Facebook, etc. would just be a distraction. but that weekend was a bad weekend for me. the thursday before the weekend, my mum had found out she wasn't allowed to have her operation on her knee, which has been causing her pain since the beginning of this year. she was really upset about that and she came home crying, and that broke my heart. and what made it worse is she shut everyone out for a few days. my dad either felt my mum was blaming him or my mum actually blamed him, and he was in a bad mood for the vast majority of the weekend. i asked my mum on numerous occasions if she would like to go out but on most of them we just ended up in  an argument. and then there's my dad. i wouldn't say i hate him, but we don't have the healthiest relationship. he's short tempered, so he shouts at me a lot, and i mean a lot. also, everyone thinks that the other sibling gets more attention than them from your parents and you always get the blame, but with my dad, i do. a mild argument broke out between me and my brother and my dad was quick to blame me for it. and i hate that. he takes my brother out more and buys him more stuff and i hate it. on top of that him being in a bad mood made him really touchy to be around. with this, stress from exams, other drama and just my usual rollercoaster of emotions, i broke down. i broke down crying in my room. i tried to do the right thing and i text my friends asking them to talk things through (which was the first time ever i had done this), but none of them replied. which made me so mad as they told me they'd be there for me. so i wanted to vent on Witty but i couldn't because i had no internet. so judge me, but sometimes having the internet actually affects me pretty bad. here i am now venting, 5 days too late.


vent vent vent. just needed to get it out.
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