
Joined: March 19, 2011
Last Seen: 4 years
user id: 159279
best layouts ever



Slim Shady Eminem

Heyy guys. I'm Lily. Let's Start off by saying, I LOVE EMINEM!! He's my homedawggggggg. Kay, you insult Eminem in front of me, I will kill you. Here are my favorite songs by Eminem
My Mom [My all time favorite hands down]
WTP, FACK, My Name Is, Cleanin' Out My Closet, Hailie's Song, Ass Like That, 
The Real Slim Shady, Cold Wind Blows, On Fire, Going Through Changes, Not Afraid, Seduction, Space Bound, 25 To Life, So Bad, Almost Famous, You're Never Over, Untitled, Love the Way You Lie, Same Song and Dance, We Made You, Lose Yourself, Stan, The Way I Am, I Need A Doctor, Superman, Talkin' To Myself, No Love, Without Me, My Band [D12] Purple Pills [D12]
Little more about me-- 
I'm 12. Yes, 12. A lot of people think I'm older. My birthday is January 24th. I really hate Bruno Mars; like REALLY hate him. Witty and Facebook creates my obsession list. Well, I don't call Eminem an obsession, because he's my priority. My favorite books are the Twilight Series, Happy Potter Series, and The Clique Series. I'm no goody-two-shoes, but I have straights As and Es [Es are excellent in behavior]. I always try. I'm Jewish. My favorite show is Boy Meets World. But I also like Switched at Birth, The Nine Lives of Chloe King, and Family Guy. But I love all ABC Family shows. I have a brother, two dogs, love them to pieces. Not my brother, my dogs :] I cuss like way too much.... but I didn't in my profile [okay only once or twice...] because I didn't want to. :P 
My YouTube account: iceberg124x. Check it out!!!
brother from another mother♥

If you read all this,  




































Quotes by iceberg124

is it just me...
or all witty sisters smart-as ses

but.... we're smart as ses together


 when i was little,
   i thought the moon followed me.

Love                  such a simple word, but it can have so much meaning when the right person shows it
Quotes. Friendship. Faving. Drama. Commenting. Venting. Love. Boys. School. Inspiring. Breaking Up. Funny. Steve. Formats. Profiles. Jockers. Authors. Periods. Fakes. Bi tches. Obsession. Haters. Harry Potter. Top Quotes. 'Fav If'. Highlighting. #1 Priority. Forever. Quotes. Friendship. Faving. Drama. Commenting. Venting. Love. Boys. School. Inspiring. Breaking Up. Funny. Steve. Formats. Profiles. Jockers. Authors. Periods. Fakes. Bi tches. Obsession. Haters. Harry Potter. Top Quotes. 'Fav If'. Highlighting. #1 Priority. Forever. Quotes. Friendship. Faving. Drama. Commenting. Venting. Love. Boys. School. Inspiring. Breaking Up. Funny. Steve. Formats. Profiles. Jockers. Authors. Periods. Fakes. Bi tches. Obsession. Haters. Harry Potter. Top Quotes. 'Fav If'. Highlighting. #1 Priority. Forever. Quotes. Friendship. Faving. Drama. Commenting. Venting. Love. Boys. School. Inspiring. Breaking Up. Funny. Steve. Formats. Profiles. Jockers. Authors. Periods. Fakes. Bi tches. Obsession. Haters. Harry Potter. Top Quotes. 'Fav If'. Highlighting. #1 Priority. Forever. Quotes. Friendship. Faving. Drama. Commenting. Venting. Love. Boys. School. Inspiring. Breaking Up. Funny. Steve. Formats. Profiles. Jockers. Authors. Periods. Fakes. Bi tches. Obsession. Haters. Harry Potter. Top Quotes. 'Fav If'. Highlighting. #1 Priority. Forever. Quotes. Friendship. Faving. Drama. Commenting. Venting. Love. Boys. School. Inspiring. Breaking Up. Funny. Steve. Formats. Profiles. Jockers. Authors. Periods. Fakes. Bi tches. Obsession. Haters. Harry Potter. Top Quotes. 'Fav If'. Highlighting. #1 Priority. Forever. Quotes. Friendship. Faving. Drama. Commenting. Venting. Love. Boys. School. Inspiring. Breaking Up. Funny. Steve. Formats. Profiles. Jockers. Authors. Periods. Fakes. Bi tches. Obsession. Haters. Harry Potter. Top Quotes. 'Fav If'. Highlighting. #1 Priority. Forever. Quotes. Friendship. Faving. Drama. Commenting. Venting. Love. Boys. School. Inspiring. Breaking Up. Funny. Steve. Formats. Profiles. Jockers. Authors. Periods. Fakes. Bi tches. Obsession. Haters. Harry Potter. Top Quotes. 'Fav If'. Highlighting. #1 Priority. Forever. Quotes. Friendship. Faving. Drama. Commenting. Venting. Love. Boys. School. Inspiring. Breaking Up. Funny. Steve. Formats. Profiles. Jockers. Authors. Periods. Fakes. Bi tches. Obsession. Haters. Harry Potter. Top Quotes. 'Fav If'. Highlighting. #1 Priority. Forever. Quotes. Friendship. Faving. Drama. Commenting. Venting. Love. Boys. School. Inspiring. Breaking Up. Funny. Steve. Formats. Profiles. Jockers. Authors. Periods. Fakes. Bi tches. Obsession. Haters. Harry Potter. Top Quotes. 'Fav If'. Highlighting. #1 Priority. Forever. Quotes. Friendship. Faving. Drama. Commenting. Venting. Love. Boys. School. Inspiring. Breaking Up. Funny. Steve. Formats. Profiles. Jockers. Authors. Periods. Fakes. Bi tches. Obsession. Haters. Harry Potter. Top Quotes. 'Fav If'. Highlighting. #1 Priority. Forever. Quotes. Friendship. Faving. Drama. Commenting. Venting. Love. Boys. School. Inspiring. Breaking Up. Funny. Steve. Formats. Profiles. Jockers. Authors. Periods. Fakes. Bi tches. Obsession. Haters. Harry Potter. Top Quotes. 'Fav If'. Highlighting. #1 Priority. Forever.

i still count with my fingers

          i can control
          myself not to see
          you. i can control
          myself not to hear
          you. but i can't
          control myself not
          to think of you.


i've got skittles in my mouth; you wanna

taste the rainbow
Format Credit to; Pinklemonadee





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