
Joined: December 20, 2008
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 60923

Quotes by hurleygirl1996

Just thinking back on everything we've been through

in the past
2 years, I can't even believe it. You were my
best friend ever. You made me
laugh so hard I would cry,
and you never, ever failed to make my day. I looked forward
to seeing your face
every single time I stepped into that school.
just sad that this all has gone totally downhill. Every time I walk
into homeroom, I can't even look at you without feeling totally awkward...
and it sucks. It
really, really sucks. I guess all I can say from this experience
I had with you as soon as you walked into my life is
thank you. Thank you so
much for showing me the time of my life. I know that things have gone totally
wrong, but I would do
anything to just be friends with you again. You're still my
best friend deep in my heart, and I hope you know how much you mean to me.
Thank you so much, and
I love you more than the world.

in the end, i'm sure you'll see ////


but by then, i'll have moved on



I can't even put it into words.

Boy, I just want you to know... that even though you don't like me and probably never will, I'll always like you. There will always be a little spot in my heart reserved for you. And, I hope you realize that no matter what, you've made a difference in my life, and I love you for that. You changed myself and my life a LOT. You made my first year of middle school so much better for me; it was probably the best year of my life. It kills to know that we were inseparable last year and now we hardly speak. When I pass you in the halls and look you in the eyes, I wonder if you see the hurt inside them and flasback on everything that we've been through. But, I hope you realize that whenever you feel down or alone and you have no one to turn to, or if anyone is just ignoring you and leaving you out, I'll always be right here. Although you'd probably never come to me to tell me about your problems, I'd still be a comforting friend and I'd listen to every single word you said. I'm probably the only girl who has ever had a crush on you, but I like that. It makes it seem like you're mine, and only mine. You know, our friendship was greater than anyone else's. I feel as though nobody else could understand you like I did - not even one of your "best friends." Nobody could ever feel the same way as I feel for you. Nobody could ever understand how hilarious you truly are, or how sweet and totally smart and thoughtful you are deep inside. I love the way you opened up to me, and we could talk for hours about anything and everything. You knew how to make me laugh so hard at my worst points in life. All of this shows that you don't need to be a "ladies man" or the "hottest guy around" to have somebody actually love you at such a young, immature age. I just really want you to know that I'll never, ever forget you and our cherishable times we've had together. Boy, you mean a whole lot to me. You're my first ever love. I just want to let you know that I'll always love you - forever. Thank you for all the time you used to spend with me. Those little moments we used to have may not mean anything at all to you anymore, but they mean the world to me. You're the only boy I've ever cried over both ways - from laughing so hard and becoming a heartbroken mess. But on this note, I leave with a broken heart and a cracked smile... I flashback on our past and tears are slowly running down my face. I really miss you, best friend... and I love you. ♥
b u r n i n g   b r i g h t e r   t h a n   t h e   s u n .
smile, boy!
be happy that one person appreciates it.
 when you love someone,
and they b r e a k  y o u r  h  e a r t
don't give up on love - have faith, restart.
just hold on, (hold on)... hold on, (hold on).
i don't know what hurts worse, baby...
seein' you with her or bein' alone...

on my own.
i know she doesn't love you, baby.
not like i do... oh, what's the point?
you're not listening anyway.

do you ever just lay in bed at night,
and wish that he was lying right next to you?
and that he had his arms wrapped around you,
like he was never planning on letting go?
i know i do.

this strong girl here
has been falling apart,
e  v  e  r  *  s  i  n  c  e
he broke her heart.