
Status: You can buy the world with one penny, you just have to know how to spend it
Joined: June 26, 2011
Last Seen: 5 years
Birthday: December 23
user id: 187712
Gender: F
Name: Holly

Senior year here I come!

After summer of course...

I honestly can't wait to be able to keep going.

See where life takes me.

I'm ready

I think...

<3 Forever


hollywood11's Favorite Quotes


I was ready to leave this website yesterday. But I refuse                      
to leave until witty is active again. It's like... I don't feel comfortable without
leaving newer members something to inherit. I want them to see the

same Witty that I did when I was young.

There are people who have Witty accounts and good grades and I don't understand how.

Teacher: whoever answers my next question can go home
Me: *throws paper ball*
Teacher: who threw that
Me: I did. I'm going home.

Where did all the inspiring quotes go? Where did all the amazing stories go? Where did witty go? Wittyprofiles, you used to be my best friend. Now, I go on you about once every 2-3 months. Where did all the ORIGINAL quotes go? I go on tumblr and see every single thing I just saw on witty. I'm going to try so hard to bring it back. I really am.
This quote does not exist.

 my chem teacher set the table on fire today what a great first day of school

 today in history class this kid said something about how women belong in the kitchen and my teacher freaked out and he made all the girls in the class write down “at 1:04pm on wednesday november 7th 2012, nick has been blacklisted” and now we’re not allowed to talk to the kid until he comes into class with the 17 apology letters that he’s being forced to write to every girl in the class

Tumblr,  i  just  love   it

i dont understand how i can get so much joy from covering my pets with blankets and watching the lump move around


  Dear Heart,

This isn't fun anymore. I NEED to get over him.

Sincerely, a frustrated girl   



  -Super Mario.