
Joined: November 25, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 94415

hey, it's christina.
i'm 16, and i get annoyed easily.

fuck dis shit. tumblr is my life.                       


Quotes by heartbrokenn_

Now I know I have a heart.
because it's breaking.

and it kills me when you hang with them;
because i know your thinking even less about me.

"why do you live?"
because i have something worth living for.



if it's love and it's forever
no one else can do it better. if it's love and we're two birds of a feather
 then then rest is just whatever. if i'm addicted to loving you x________
and you're addicted to my love too   we can be two birds of a feather 
that flock together.
All the things  
i know i right now,  i f  i only knew back then. ////
there's no getting over you. wish i could spin my
world  into reverse  just  to have you back again.

there are lots
of horrid people on this planet

that i would love to give a lashing to.  but my goody-two-shoes brother, the favorite of my mother,
is the one i want to smother in a ton of pigeon goo.   
& i think if 
 i see you one more time, i might
just break down and cry.  x______
sometimes you just have to put on a smile, & pretend that
everythings okay.
& don't forget,
» i'll be sitting here waiting for the day
that your realize you love me.
i love you.
i love you!  i love your deep brown eyes  ///////////
your shining smile, your flowing blonde hair, x___
your big warm hugs. i love everything about you.
except your girlfriend.

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