
Joined: January 1, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 258128

I just want to feel beautiful.

15, freshman in highschool.
Don't particularly want to put my real name on here, so my Witty name is Taylor.
Facebook - 

If you ever want someone to talk to, I am ALWAYS here
I'm honestly probably not going to be on this account much more.
I'm trying to stop cutting and be healthy.
If you want to talk, chat me on facebook and I'll reply there (:

Song of the moment - So Small, Carrie Underwood


Quotes by hatingmyself

Today, I did it. I told my mom what I've been dealing with for the past about 6 months. I told her basically everything except cutting, I even told her that for about a month I hadn't been eating that much.
You know what?
She understood. She didn't judge me. I feel about a million times better. She's not going to make me see a counselor, but we're going to talk more often.
I just wanted to get this out there, cause I didn't think it was true, but it honestly does get better.

Kind of in a f/uck the world mood.

Am I the only one who thinks this would be beautiful? Don't worry it's just a tattoo:)

So I honestly don't think anyone is going to read this cause I'm not witty famous, but here's a poem I wrote tonight...
Dear Mom
I'm sitting here crying Mom
Is this what you wanted Mom?
I can feel I'm slipping away Mom.
Guess this is how it ends Mom.
Quick slits and a few tears, Mom.
I tried to be perfect Mom.
But Mom, I'm not Taylor Swift.
Mom, I don't have 9 lives.
I am getting scared now, Mom.
It's getting colder now Mom.
I dreamt of Paradise, Mom.
It was always too far Mom.
Mom, I tried not to do it.
But Mom, it's over with one quick slit.

This is something I honestly wrote,if anybody reads it please don't take without my permission. It's all basically true too, except of course I'm still alive

When is someone going to realize the girl that always is giving the hug sometimes needs one too?

She finally drank her pain away,

little at a time


I finally found a reason to not cut anymore


Something is finally working out in my favor<3

I'm not who everybody thinks I am.

Please don't ever say you want to die.
Believe me, I know what you're going through
& how you feel
But there is more for you to offer the world than blood and tears
Please, just believe me

I know this is hypocritical, considering what personally I've done, but it still needs to be said.

Sometimes I just need a good hug.