
Joined: May 14, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 174191

Hi, i'm Julia :} 
I'm 13& in 8th grade.
i live in new yorkkk, but nowhere near the city.
im awkwardly funny.
i like to laugh.
i love my friends more than anythingg
i play soccer.
i hate bitches, so just don't be one.
aha, i never really know "about me" because i learn new shit everyday.
talk to me, i like meeting new folksssss.
im single & i fall for boys too easily ♥

♥ follow me.. :} 



greenxlettucex8's Favorite Quotes

To promote girls witty's

That normally don't get tops & deserve to, a few top
quoters & i decided we'd do a promo one ( or twice ) a week
with 5 - 10 girls.
My list;

1. ejabby7

2. StarzofBeautyx3

3. bizzlebelles

4. morganxxchick

5. you_know_you_love_me

6. rootmir9

7. Natalina333

8. halfempty

9. ilovetheboynextstatex98

- please favorite to make this work & the tradition going.
you will have your week.

This quote does not exist.

It's fivo'clock in the Morning
 Conversation got boring



Boy-Do you work for nike? 
Girl- No. Why?
Boy- Cause everytime i see you i want to just do it.(;
This quote does not exist.

rumors are
carried by haters, spread by fools and accepted by idiots.
-justin bieber.

Use your smile to change the world,

don't let the world change your smile.


Any brunettes here ?


 smiles are like band-aids.

  they cover up the pain, but it still hurts.