
Joined: July 14, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 116470

im gia im freekin gorgeeous LOL JK im probably one of the ugliest people you have ever met. i lovee to paaarrrtty! & havee a good time. im not a slut but you can call me one if you wanna, whore works too. im crusshiin harrd at the timee, but no big deaaaal. boyss arent my life like most girls. i hate girls who change infron of "certain" people. im honestly not like most girls. i hate doing hair, getting dress up and doing makeup. i like all boy sports and just like hangout with the guys. i use sarcasim alot on a regualr basses. im SUPER SUPER SUPER annoying but youll learn to get over it.


i believe in love at first sight and i believe if there is a reason for love, there is a reason for life beyond it. i made alot of friends and lost more then you probably should in a life time. i have a few true friends but not many. yeaa get to know me if you want (: if you already hate big deaal. <3


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Quotes by giaxnicole

I think a lot of underweight girls are hypocrites.

I'm naturally big boned, I eat actully really healthy.

sure im not as tinny and you, but I'm beautiful.

 You can love your 'bones' all you want.

but what boy actully likes a girl with 'curves?

It's not okay for us to call you anorexic, but

would you rather have the boy you love

call you fat? or even you own mother?

We tell you to gain weight because it's lot harder

then losing it, but naturally skinny girls like you

wouldnt understand that.

Anygirl can feel beautiful for being small, but it

 takes a real girl to accept that she's big

and proud because sadly in this society, many people disagree.
Get over it

when your an over weight child in this society that demands perfection, the since of right to wrong from fair and unfair will always be tragically scud.

I'm over you
but seeing you with her still kills me.
I wonder what is making your relationship last

when ours couldn't


& Everyone has...
///////////////// That one little secret, that no one,
not even your best friend,
knows about you.


I'm holding on
to something that used to be there

&&hoping it will come back;

But knowing it never will

not my format
September ended.
someone need to wake that green day guy up..

Love or Money?



& does anybody else love it when guys look
in sweatpants



And honestly ...
I just really want to watch the notebook with you.

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