
Joined: July 11, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 115965

finally back on witty!(:
hi, i'm tayler. i'm fourteen, about to be a sophomore & i live in connecticut. I joined witty in seventh grade with the usernamexthosecitylights but I grew out of that account. So, I started this account, along with a collab account (which is no longer running), TheWittySisters last summer, but since lost interest in witty. Now, I decided to come back- how much I will post and how long I will be here, i don't know yet, but for now I'm going to try to not lose interest :P I'm a really friendly person and I lalalove making new friends, so make sure to leave me a comment! If there's anything else you wanna know,just ask & I'll answer!
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