
Status: And I just lost everything that ever meant anything
Joined: November 18, 2011
Last Seen: 6 years
user id: 240084
Location: Australia
Gender: F

Hello Beautiful!

-  Fiona  -  17  -  Single -

Where to start?
I've  had depression for several years, starting from... I don't really remember when; when I was about 11 I think. I self- harm, have for maybe3 years now, and have attempted suicide a few times.

I really would love to be one of thiose people who can list off a heap of friends, but I'm not going to bother because my list would have maybe 4 people on it... people you should follow is a bit easier though:

-LivingDisaster (Teneale)
-_unknown_ (Anastasia)
-Sierrafreek (Jake)
-AmyBird66 (Amy)

...Or maybe it's not so easy. Let me know if you want to be added to my list :)

Follow for a follow?

If you ever need someone to talk to, my email address is
Feel free to email me whenever about whatever, I don't mind if we've never spoken.

Stay strong!
xx - Profile Counters


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Quotes by fionarose

Totally hating this "judging" thing.

What do you all think about it?
No matter what you tell yourself,

The second time won't end any better than the first time
Sweetie, it just doesn't work...
You can't tell me that you miss me, then say you know you have her now

Please don't do this to me, not when you know how I feel
I told you I no longer exist,
But that simply isn't true.

Existing is all I do, nothing more
You know what, I'm sick of it
Of being just another number,
Of being just another name on the list,
Of being just another nobody.

I want to mean something to someone,
I want to matter.
You are the one thing that keeps me sane, no matter how much you drive me insane

And I just gave you up so you can be happy...

Remember darling, I don't even exist anymore
Sometimes you have to let go,
Not because you want to,
But because you can't hold on any longer
Whether you're together or not
Moving on or not
Seeing someone else or not

Hearing your first real love say "I don't love you anymore" hurts more than you could ever imagine
I might be okay

But I'm not fine at all
Baby our forever was cut short when we kissed our happily ever after good bye
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