
Joined: October 14, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 227029

Black And White Graphics
Hey stranger.
They call me Hannah♥
I'll make this short.

My friends are my life <3
I love to dance. Especially ballet.
My smile is very convincing.
I probably know what you're going through so,
I'll be there for anyone who needs someone to talk to. ♥
I'm not perfect.
But I try.
Probably too much. 
that's all you need to know.
follow_I follow back ♥
promise :)

talk.to.me. :)

My status box is messed up.. ignore it! 


Quotes by famous_13

You kill all the caterpillars,
then complain there are no butterflies.


All I want is to be perfect.
But not for myself or society. For you.


and you bleed just to know

How to Self Harm:

1. Pick up whatever you're going to use.

2. Evaluate. Explain to yourself why you want to do it. Why you feel the way that you do and why you want to keep hurting yourself.

3. Put down whatever you were going to use, and remember that you are better than that. Remember that things just happen and it's not your fault. Remember how beautiful you are. Remember why you're alive. Remember that people do love and care about you, a lot.

4. Don't ever think about those thoughts again. Leave them in the past. Remember how much of a good person you are and remember how much you're worth it. Never forget that things do and will get better. Trust me.

It takes a million compliments to build you up.

But only one insult to send it all crashing down.

**Call Me Maybe starts playing on the radio**

me: Oh no not this again.


Never feel like no one cares.

Becaus you know what? I care. Yeah you heard me, I care.

I know how it feels to think no one in this world cares about you. I'm sure we'll all get that feeling at some point. But there are people are around you who truly, geniuinely care about you. Sometimes you just can't see it, or they don't show it. But they're there. Don't let yourself down by pushing away the people that care about you. You may think no one cares, but thats what you think. Not what you know. 



I want a guy who would

hold my hand in line at the mall & make all the other girls jealous. I want someone who would sing to me at random moments. Someone who is more goofy than romantic. A boy who would throw stuffed animals at me when I'm acting dumb. Someone who would bet me kisses he could beat me at all the old playstation games, and then let me win. A guy who would make fun of me just to hear my laugh. He'd play with my hair all the time and surprise me with 25 cent rings. Someone I could share lolipops with and could lay on a blanket with to look at the stars. We'd buy tons of disposable cameras and take the silliest pictures of each other. A guy I could have a water gun fight with then he'd lift me up and carry me inside. But mostly someone who would   be my best friend and would never break my heart. He would just always make me smile. 
"I love you" means I accept you for the person you are.

and that I do not wish to change you into someone else. It means that I will love you and stand by you even through the worst of times. It means loving you even when you're in a bad mood or too tired to do the things I want to do. It means loving you when you're down, not just when you're fun to be with. "I love you" means that I know you're deepest secrets, and do not judge you for them, asking in return that you do not judge me for mine. It means that I care enough to fight for what we have, and that I love you enough to not let go and walk away.