
Joined: January 3, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 259350
just so you guys understand my name.
it sort of is like people never seem to see what they have until the most important, irreplacable thing is gone. it will never return and nothing will ever replace it.

Quotes by eyeswillopenwhenthetrueheartisbroken

i'd like to keep cutting
i'd like to keep cutting

but i can't stand to watch myself bleed

Mr. Owl ate my metal worm - destroy rebuild until god shows - D.R.U.G.S.

is your way out

then get me and
i'm coming

Mr. Owl ate my metal worm - destroy rebuild until god shows - D.R.U.G.S. 

all i wanna do is trade this life for something new

waiting for the end - linkin park - a thousand suns

i am here to tell you a story.
a story that will torture your thoughts by day and poison your dreams by night.
and though i will do my best
there are no words that can be written, nor brush strokes laid on canvas
that can describe the stark and utter horror of the night that annabel died.

the emptiness will haunt you.

curse of the virgin canvas - alesana - the emptiness

roses are red
your eyes are blue
i don't care what they say
because i love you.

that awesome feeling you get when he calls you beautiful

when you've always felt so ugly.

totally loving the feeling of
deciding on the best way
to tell your parents you
have a boyfriend for the
first time ever...

that awkward moment when the guy you are majorly crushing on asks who you like.

this happened the other day. he asked me. half an hour later i just walked over and said noone.
confession #10

i have always secretly had a crush on bart simpson