
Joined: November 8, 2011
Last Seen: 9 years
user id: 235826
Gender: F
Hayoooooooooooo. ~

Comments by expressionless

expressionless 9 years ago to SmileyFacesAreAmazing
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Hola! Hope you remeber me. :) Just came by to say hello..
expressionless 9 years ago to SmileyFacesAreAmazing
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well, guess who randomly remembered witty, came on here and saw your comment which totally made her day?
dude, it's been ages since we talked, and i almost never come in here anymore. but, i missed you. <3
and loooook, there's dylan mr.perfect o'brien! ^^^
expressionless 1 decade ago to EdwardScissorhands
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expressionless 1 decade ago to halcyon
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hi. hi. hi.
expressionless 1 decade ago to expressionless
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expressionless 1 decade ago to EdwardScissorhands
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beep beep
expressionless 1 decade ago to pigglywiggly
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Heyheyhey. I decided to reply to my comments because I have time now so yaaay. Did you see the new PLL? :o I mean, the season finale. It was sooo whooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaa. I'm glad Spencer and Toby are back and I hope Toby is good for real now. <3 They are the best couple. And I'm sorry for Ezria, but they'll get back together. c: I loved this episode, it was so freaky uh. D:
So I've been doing nothing but studying and I really hope it's going to pay off in the end. :) It's hard in school these days.. but it's Easter in a week and I can't wait. We're going to have a few days off for Easter vacation. :D Yayayaya. I really want to colour eggs, hehe. I always do that with my mom. And it was snowing the other day, whoa. Seriously, it was so weird. It was almost 20 degrees one day, and then snow a few days later. But spring officially begun and the weather is getting nicer and nicer. I can't wait for summer, though. It's the best season ever. ;D
Tell me what are you up to these days. c: I promise I'll reply soon! <3
expressionless 1 decade ago to justasecretloverx3
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hey hey hey heyyyyy :o
i know, i''m like never on, except on weekends. and i talk to just like 2 people here. :o
expressionless 1 decade ago to mustaches_
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omg me too :o
whatsuuuuup? :D <3
expressionless 1 decade ago to SmileyFacesAreAmazing
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May this day be the best birthday by now and of course filled with Logan Lerman! :3
I really really really wish you the best day ever, many presents and of course hundreds of comments from me in the next year. ;D
I love youuuuuasfgasagsgaslhlaghs! <3
expressionless 1 decade ago to jordankimberly21
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expressionless 1 decade ago to w1sh
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Noo, well my name is Maya. But Mayo is better haha. :D Alter ego. ;D
What's your name?
expressionless 1 decade ago to the0nlyexcepti0n
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Heey what's up?
I'm just reading news, and I see something about a hurricane Sandy. Whoa. :o So there's nothing new, I just got up and still in bed. I'm on tumblr, witty, reading the news and listening to ATL hah. :)
How was the sleepover?
expressionless 1 decade ago to Andreaxoxo
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I accidentally saw it's your birthday so I just came to wish you an AAAWESOME BIRTHDAAAAAAY C:
expressionless 1 decade ago to diamandis
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And I commented you here, not replied because I like the RRD thing. :D And I still don't know how is this "reply thing" supposed to function on here. c:
expressionless 1 decade ago to diamandis
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Haha so what'd you think? Wah, I think my country is boring. But it's nice and yeah, it's home. So I guess I should like it. Even though I don't, at all. Except my town. :) I've always dreamed about someplace like London or Berlin, Munchen or New York.
Haha I know, history's really boring. But I literally CAN'T fall asleep because the boys in my class are making such noise. There's literally no discipline on history classes. So that sucks. Because I can't daydream + I can't even learn anything. So that's like the worst combination ever. :D
HAHAHA OH I LOVE YOU. :D Barney is like my idol too hahaha. :D I once found this page on facebook that says "Everything I need to know about life I learned from Barney Stinson" and that's like my favorite sentence now hahah. :D
Oh you dance? What kind of? :D Uhm, nothing much, just came home from school. I'm going to do homework, study for biology test and then go play with my dog. He was kind of sick yesterday. :(
expressionless 1 decade ago to Steve
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You know, just felt like writing that.
expressionless 1 decade ago to jordankimberly21
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Uh, I know! I wish I could just take my laptop with me to school. That'd be amazing. I type waaay faster than I write. And I'm a natural talent in typing, heheh. Really. I do it so fast. :D That's why I'm so so so sad I can't take my laptop with me to school. Or an iPad. That would be more useful. Do you go to a private school? Because you said school can't pay the teachers. I go to a public school. I don't even know if there are any private school close to me. Maybe in the capital. But not here, uh-uh. Teachers are payed by the country. From the taxes and all, you know. That's a great system! Haha. For the books. What we usually do here, is buy the books from the people that are a grade higher than you. And the books are already used by like 10 generations. Which means they are already sold for a silly amount of money. For like 16 dollars. Can you believe? Of course, they aren't and definitely don't look new. Hahah. Considering everyone who had them has written at least ONE word in each of them while being bored in class haha. :D But they're okay. Everything's good if you're up for studying. ;D And whoa, you have a whole campus? We just have one bulding and a huge yard with a stage on open and basketball + football fields. And like a space for kids to play and benches and gym. But considering it's elementary + high school together, it has to be like that.
Hahaha! Thanks for the advice. I most definitely won't try to climb a palm tree. Or the adventuristic me will do it just because you warned me. Hm. I'll definitely tell you about the experience if I ever do, though. ;D
Ahahaha, Latin is weird, hahaha. Especially in the situation when someone you don't like starts writing you love letters in it hahaha. ;D That's an interesting story, I laughed so much. Thank God all the kids in my school are too stupid to know Latin. And we mostly learn grammar, not the actual words or sentences or something like that. :D But they can always use google translate.. heheh. c:
Meanwhile, I started learning German on this website,! It's really fun and useful. Considering I already learn German at school. But I don't know that much of it because I started just last year. So it's cool! You can learn French and Spanish too, haha. It's good. And my puppy is sick. :( Poor little thing. Won't eat anything. Well, he's not exactly a puppy anymore, but he's still so cute and small and aw. He's so sad, I can see it by his behavior. What's new with you?
expressionless 1 decade ago to jordankimberly21
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Yeah, I know. My backpack weights a lot too! Well, not always, thank God. It's bearable, because now, in high school, we have smaller books. Like, they are in the older format because they don't print new books for high school. So they look kind of old. And they're smaller. But they're thicker, so I don't know, for real. But it's not that heavy, hehe. I never take all of the books, because I know sometimes teacher don't use them, so I kind of "guess" will we need them or not. :D The teachers usually say what are we going to do in the next period of their subject. ;D Really? What's practice? D: I mean, what do you do there? We get home at like 1:15, or 2 pm. Depends on the day. We don't have lunch in school, just snack time. That's when we go to a bakery, or somewhere to buy sandwitches or something we bring from home. And that lasts 20 minutes. And then we have 5 minutes break between all of the classes. :D
Aw, palm trees! I'd love to have palm trees here. But I guess they would like die in the winter haha. So no. I saw some when we were in Nice, on the Azure coat. :) So pretty. And the sea is so.. azure! Hehehe. You have to spraypaint your grass when it dies? Oh, poor people! Hahahaha. That is actually so funny. lol. It's definitely autumn here. It's been raining the whole day. :( I don't like rain, but I guess it's good for our agriculture - so yay! :D I don't know, though. I don't like going to school or anywhere, when it's raining and the wind is so cold and ugh. It's a big change, because yesterday, when we had to run on PE, I was so hot, I was literally going to die of hotness. And now it's cold. It's weird. Oh, global warmin, you b-tch.
I'll try to remember your birthday, but you have to remind me like in December, because my memory is not something we can always rely on. :D Yeah I get it. But at least your birthday is close to Jesus'.
I can't really say anything in Latin. We translate, but from Latin to Serbian. And we use dictionaries, so I only know a few words haha. But I know Latin phrases, hahaha. :D The famous ones. Like, Alea iacta est (which means the die has been cast, Julius Caesar said it upon crossing the Rubicon) or Per aspera ad astra ( through hardships to the stars ) or Facta, non verba (deeds, not words) or more, haha. :D Okay so now tell me the funny story about some guy and the Latin language. ;D
expressionless 1 decade ago to jordankimberly21
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I remembered you like Maroon 5, so voila -