
Joined: October 25, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 130298
follow me on twitter! emeliamae96
got any questions?! email me; emeliamaecarlson@hotmail.com

thankss giirls (:
The names emelia mae! im 14, &officially now a freshman! im loving it (: summers pretty good, so far! i LOVE music, basically my life!
i love witty &facebook, but im mostly on here ;)

love you girls (:

Quotes by emeliamae

When the car pulls up to my house, Madden gets out with me. It’s still raining out, but we’re both soaking wet from earlier. Madden wraps his arms around me. “Hayden, I love you so much. These past 6 months have been the best of my life. I love you.” “I love you too Madden. I don’t know what I would do without you baby.” We kiss one more time, and he walks back to the car. “I love you!” I yell to him. He smiles back. The car starts to pull away from the curb. Out of nowhere, another car comes in view, swerves, and collides into the front of their car. “NOOO!” I scream. The other car was going more than 100 mph. I fall to my knees, and instantly start bawling. That was the last time I would ever see Madden, alive. He was gone…

“Hayden I’m coming in.” “Luc, no!" He opens the door, looks at my wrists and starts backing up. “Luc, you don’t unders-” “You said that you weren’t going to do this ever again! You said that everything was okay after you talked to that counselor! You promised!” He slams the bathroom door, and runs up the stairs. Now he’s gonna go and tell mom that I cut again. Now I’m going to have to go to the “hospital.” Now everybody’s gonna know. Everybody at school is going to judge me for this.

I grab my razor, and slide it deeper into my wrists. The pain is excruciating. The pain is worse then it’s ever been before. Blood is gushing out now. I take it out, and put the razor in again, even farther. I start not being able to breathe. I fall to the ground, with the razor still jabbed in my wrist. I let the blood come out. My clothes are drenched now. Maybe I’ll see my dad and Madden now. Maybe I’m doing good? I start closing my eyes, my last look at the world. I’m soaked in blood, I mean who would care? I’m just another person dying of suicide, no big deal. The smell of blood starts to fill the room, I’m still breathing. I can fell my heart stop beating. Another broken heart. Another broken promise. Another broken life. Cause nothing’s been the same, since you’ve been gone. comments?

“Class, please welcome our new student, Madden Channing. He just moved here from California.”
I look up from my desk to see him. He’s absolutely gorgeous. His long brown hair barely grazing his eyes. His deep blue eyes sparkling in the light. I immediately thought to myself, stop staring, he’ll probably going to think you’re a creeper or something. But of course, our eyes met, and he starts to smile back. I quickly turn away, and look out the window.
“Okay class, get back to work.”
Madden is still standing at the front of the room, still looking at me.
“Hayden, will you come up here please?”
Oh great, what’d I do now?
“Hayden, you’re going to be showing Madden around the school, where his classes are, and his locker’s going to be right next to yours.
” “Okay.” I mutter.
In just a few seconds the door is slammed behind us, and we’re thrown out in the hallway. I look over at Madden, he’s still smiling.
“What?” I ask him.
“Nothing.” he laughs.
Well, this is awkward now.

I show him where the lunch room is, where the gym is, and I ask to see his schedule. Looking at it, I think to myself that it looks very familiar. He has the exact same classes as me. I didn’t know what to think.
“If you just follow me, you’ll be fine.”
“Okay,”he says, still smiling.
This time I actually smile back.
“You have an ah-mazing smile.”
Not knowing what to say, I mutter,
“Oh, thanks.”
“What’s your number?” he asks.
“Kay, thanks.” he’s still smiling.
We don’t talk on the way back to the classroom, but I know one thing, I’m going to fall in love with this boy.


Walking hand in hand, with the boy you’re in love with, down the hall, makes you feel like you’re on top of the world. Nothing else matters but that person. This person just happens to be Madden. I’ve never looked back. He comes to a stop, let’s go of my hand, and turns around to face me.
“Hayden, I love you so much.”
“I love you too.” I smile back.
We kiss, and he says that he’ll see me tonight. He walks away, and I head over to my locker. I’m grinning the whole way over. Today’s our 6 month, and I was going to his house, later tonight. A year ago today, my dad died. I try to think about Madden again, but I couldn’t. I start crying, hopefully nobody sees me. I had to let it out, I still care about my dad more than anything, but I have Madden now.

I walk up the front steps and ring the doorbell, almost immediately the door opens, and Madden is standing there.
“Hey baby.”
Before I could say anything, he takes me into his arms. “
I love you.” I whisper into his ear.
“I love you too baby.”
I come into his house, and he shuts the door behind me.
“My parents are out for the night, so we’ll have the house to ourselves. I even rented the Notebook, cause I know you love that movie.”
I’ve had a few boyfriends over the years, but I’d never think that I would find a boy more perfect than him. I love Madden more than words could ever explain. He’ll always be there for me. Always by my side. We’ve been inseparable since day 1. I never wanted to let go.

In the middle of the movie, he looks out the window, grabs me by the hand, and bolts out the front door. “Madden, it’s pouring out! What are we doing ou-“
Before I could finish, he takes my face in his hands and kisses me, in the rain.
“You always said that you wanted to be kissed in the rain, so here you go.”
“I love you Madden Channing.” I said, looking into his eyes.
“I love you Hayden Carson.”
We walk back to the house, hand in hand. But before he could open the door, his parents pull into the driveway. “Get in the car! We’ll bring Hayden home.” says his dad.
Tears rolling down my cheeks. One by one. I look up into the mirror. Cheeks bright red, eyes puffy and bloodshot. The razor blade on the counter is covered in blood. The sink is caked with red, and so are my wrists. Why can’t people just finally realize that something is wrong? I can’t believe I did this, again. It’s the only way that I can feel good anymore. I flip the faucet on as far as it goes, grabbing the towel, trying to wash the blood out. I figured Luc, my twin brother, would be looking for me, so I couldn’t let him see what I did. He’d flip out and tell mom. Last time Luc told her, I was almost brought to a “hospital.” If mom found out, we’d be out the door in a heartbeat. The only reason I didn’t wanna go is because I wouldn’t want to talk about why I’m doing this. I didn’t wanna talk about it. Nobody would care, nobody would listen. Nobody would want to sit and listen to the girl who thinks about suicide, everyday of her life. 24/7. I mean, nobody cares about what I do. No one would be at my funeral. No one would shed a tear. Just another face in the crowd. I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. Pounding on the door. Before he could open it, I lock it and yell
“Whatever.” I hear back.
I lean my back on the door, and slide down to the ground. I look up at the ceiling.
“Why me God? Why me?!”
The tears are coming out more and more uncontrollably now. “Why’d you let this happen to me? I thought you were always supposed to be there?! You weren’t supposed to let them leave! They should be sitting here by my side right now!” The tears are pouring by now. I want my daddy back. I miss the way he could make you smile. The way he held on to you forever when he hugged you. Nothing’s been the same since he was shot while fighting in Afghanistan. I want my boyfriend back. I want to see him one more time. It’s been 6 months since the car crash. I was in the car with him, just a few minutes before it happened. I saw the love of my life killed, right before my eyes. There was nothing I could do except stand and watch. It’s been 2 years since my dad was killed. I crawl over to the counter, grab the razor, and look down at my wrists. Cutting makes the pain go away. That’s all I ever feel now. I bring the razor closer and closer, sliding across, blood drips on the floor.

“Hayden, we need to talk.” She starts crying, it could only mean one thing, dad.
“Today, I got a call saying that dad was killed today.”
She was bawling now.
“Luc alre-“
“What?! My own dad is dead and you didn’t tell me right away?! I hate you!”
I run out the front door and onto the street. I sprint down the block until I can’t run anymore. I stumble onto the sidewalk, and fall over. I shove my hands into my face, bawling my eyes out. This is not possible, not real. I let out a piercing scream to let it out, but I’m drowned out by a passing car. No one will hear my pain. I take my phone out of my pocket to check the time. 11:11 pm, I wish to have this day not happen. I’m suddenly blinded by headlights. The car comes to a stop, and the driver runs out towards me. It was mom, Luc in the passenger seat.
“Hayden, I know I should’ve told you sooner, I just didn’t know how to tell you.”
“I’m sorry mom.”
We hugged and I get into the car. The ride back is silent, We pulled into the driveway, and I see dad’s car parked in the driveway. That car has been there ever since he’s been gone; he’ll never drive it again. The 2005 blue Audi A6 that my mom surprised him with.

I open the front door, and I see his picture on the fireplace. I couldn’t be reminded, so I bolt to my room, lock the door, and start to take all the memories away. The picture of the two of us from a Twins game was ripped up, and thrown in the garbage. The pictures from the Empire State Building were gone, all the pictures from Los Angeles were gone too. All of the pictures, junk from vacations, any reminders of my dad went in the garbage. I couldn’t stand to look at them anymore. I thought about listening to my iPod, but on the back it’s engraved, Happy 12th Birthday. Love Daddy, From Afghanistan. Why’d you have to go?

april 15th, 2009.
when i see him standing in the doorway, i didn't think it was real. i ran out of my desk &into his open arms. was this really happening? my dad came to my school, and surprised me. he was supposed to be in iraq. this wasn't a dream, it was really happening. crying, i managed to say "i love you", the 3 words that make any conversation better.

not pretty, but true.

-i live, because life's a gift. &you'll only have one chance to live.

NO ONE can change a person

but someone can be a reason for a person to change.

hey witty girls! 
i need some followers, so could you go to my profile &look at my quotes and follow me, ill follow you! 
kay thanks girls :)

follow me on twitter! @EMELIAMAe96

love is LOUDER then the pressure to


enjoy the best things in your life.
cuz  you aint gonna get to live it twice.

 they say you waste time asleep,
but im just tryna dream.


JUSTin bieber.

click the heart if your a bieber fan.
comment if you don't, &why.

thanks witty girls!