
Joined: July 12, 2010
Last Seen: 3 years
Birthday: October 25
user id: 116015
Gender: F

I'm Jordan :D
Elizabeth is my middle name,
and I was very young when I made this.
I like Jordan better now.
That's why it's my username.


18 years old
I love
Allstar Weekend
Before You Exit
One Direction
Of Monsters and Men
A Rocket to the Moon
Hollywood Ending


Quotes by elizabethhh

I only go to Starbucks to meet guys.
Would anyone like to lend me a couple books on the kindle?
Perks, The Fault in Our Stars, or the first Mortal Instruments book?
*Puts selfie on top of tree because I'm the star.*
Yesterday was my 18th birthday
and my best friends surprised me at dinner. It was so
special and my parents planned it out. As soon

as I saw all of them i started crying. I've
never had anything like that happen
before. Thank you all so much
for being in my life. I love
you guys.

Today I found out that this new guy
that moved from Louisiana was neighbors
with Si from Duck Dynasty.
Whenever I'm sad
My boyfriend will start singing
Breaking Free from High School Musical
and make me sing with him.

j,k i dont have a boyfriend
"Y o u ' r e   l i k e   t h e   o c e a n  .
Pretty enough on the surface,
b u t   d i v e   d o w n   i n t o   t h e   d e p t h s ,   a n d
you'll find beauty most people never
s  e  e  .  "
So my friend had a
Before You Exit house party Monday,

It was so amazing especially since it was my 

 time finally meeting the band 
Because I live so close to
Rachel (the girl that had it) I got to
Pick them up from their tour bus and drive them to the party :O
I had all the boys in my own car plus Chris, so I
was all alone with them. Haha but it was fun.
When they had to leave me and four other girls took them to
Starbucks. There I mostly talked to Thomas since he sat alone :(
But he told me I was gorgeous :o and we talked about phone
cases! Then we drove them back to their bus and hugged
them all goodbye :( Thomas gave the best hug, it was tight
and whenever I tried to let go he'd squeeze harder :) Plus
he thanked me for driving them to the house!
So that was my amazing Monday and if you want to see pictures
or anything I put some on my

tumblr (nights-turn-colder.tumblr.com)
twitter (_xoJORDANxo_)
Plus if you dont know who they are look them up now they're
amazing! Thanks for reading:)

 sorry its not pretty:(
What the helll is stardoll?
Why do the top quotes only have 30 faves