
Joined: November 7, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 235482
Hi im Ashton I am 16. My favorite things are music, quotes, anime, instagram, chocolate, dancing..... Hunger games *-*.
follow I follow back

i hate my life

Quotes by elaine

here is a nerdy question and half of you probably dont even know what im talking about but marvel or DC I prefer dc fave for dc and i follow coment for marvel they are both pretty good

"What's wrong with me?"
Millions of girls ask themselves this question every SINGLE day.

It's horrible, just because there's people who like to point out every single flaw.
I want to make a movement. When you feel alone because you feel alone and no one knows how you feel, look on this list.
Each girl that reads this. I want you to post your biggest insecurity about yourself.
It'll become a list. I just want to show each and everyone of you that you're not alone.


1. My weight.
2. My weight
3. My weight.
4. My weight.
5. My flat chest
6. my face
7. my belly flab
8. My acne.
9. my nose and flat chest. :(
10. My face
11. my body..all of it.
12. ...My Secret.. :/
13. My "Italian" nose and my acne
14. my face and my legs

My grandma was taking my 5 yr old  cousin who is 16 now to chicago. He kept looking up out the window so they were worried he was getting sick. So they asked him "what are you doing?" and he said "looking for bat man" he was being serious!

true story :) kids say the darndest things

shoot me i hate myself just get me out of here im dying i think im getting ulcers my grandma hates me. this week sucks. my whole life sucks. I cry everyday everyday everyday everyday. no one cares. and I'm having a mental break down

Things that no one knows and probably didnt read
my uncle just died today <z3
   R.I.P I <3ed you Johnny
Southern accents are contagious
Lets be rain drops and fall together

If a tear drop equaled power I'd be  


I'm sorry your dad had a heart attack <z3
      I <3 you Megan!
A mean 500 pound substitute kindergarden teacher told the kindergardners " thats how I roll" So all together they sang " The wheels on the buss go wownd and wownd wownd and wownd..."

kids say the darndest things X)