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eatsleepvideos's Favorite Quotes

using moms money: I'm going to buy that, and that. $150? I'm definitely buying that
using my money: $2? Maybe thats too much..
Woohoo for tumblr


i bet this post with get no favs because its not as pretty as all the other quotes i bet no one will even take the time to read this because its not pretty

If you don't know
what  PCA is..
you're not a cool cat.



The difference between promises & memories?
You break promises, memories break you.

Sometimes you forgive people
simply because you still want them in your life.



I thought you were everything I've been looking for,  

  but I was wrong. what I want is someone who doesn't

   walk out of my life without saying goodbye... you know

   what? I want someone who doesn't walk out of my life

    at all & leave me wondering why I'm not good enough.

 thaperson isn't you



you walked out of me life, I hate doing even  the  simplest  things.

I hate hanging out with my friends because  I  know  that  if I still

had you,  that  would  be  us  spending time together. I hate long

 car rides  b e c a u s e  the one thing  that once made me tolerate 

them  was  texting  you  the  whole  way.  I  hate  that  moment

when I finish my homework & I'm bored, unsure  of  what  to  do

next  because  if  this  was  a  few  months  ago,  I wouldn't even

hesitate  to  pick  up  my  phone  &  dial your number, which I still

know by heart. I hate how simply living my life gives me constant

reminders that everything has changed just because you suddenly

m a waste of your time




dyoremember the nights we'd stay up
just laughing, smiling at anything?   <<

remember the nights we drove around crazilove?

format by Kalliefornia

Everyone  has their own color so stop trying to decide which one to be
When you smile it hits me like a hurricane
When you look at me i feel like a tornado is going to take my away any second
Every time i get a text i pray its from you
Truth is I Love You ♦