
Joined: December 8, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 138531


Hi, I'm Devin,

And I'm addicted to Witty!! Haha!! Well, a little bit about me, I'm pretty crazy most of the time!! Well, when I'm with my friends, anyways! Speaking of my friends, they're my rocks. I have a few bestfriends that I would give anything for, tell anything to, and do anything to save them if they were in trouble. I'm super caring when it comes to them. And babies. And animals. xD I like the color blue. And I really like ketchup. Like, I put ketchup on everything!! Random. That's what I am. Oh, I've also had problems with depression. And cutting. But I'm over that. Because somebody that I really care about helped me with it. My parents are divorced, and they're both remarried. I'm most scared of losing the ones that I love. My favorite person in the world is my grandpa (on my dad's side). My favorite place to be is with my grandparents at the horse races. We raise horses at my grandparents' house. I love it there. It's one place I feel like I'm actually wanted. Hmm.. I'm not popular at school. I just have my small group that I hang out with and then a few others outside of the group that I talk to sometimes. I struggle with all the normal teenage girl problems, just like every other fifteen year old girl out there. OH! Yeah! My birthday is on March 31st! Wooh! Haha! Uhmm.. Ohkayy I should probably stop typing things about myself now! If you read all of this, thanks!! Follow me, I follow back! I'm allways open to new friends, so comment on my profile if you wanna talk or something!! Or I'm great at giving advice if anybody needs it! And remember..
I love you all. <3

Format: twilightgirl995

Quotes by devin15br

it's been way tolong.
how much do I cost?

Natural Hair:
[] Brown - $100
[x] Blonde - $50
[] Black - $60
[] Red - $70
[] Other- $75
Total so far: $50

Eye Color:
[] Brown - $50
[] Green - $75
[] Blue $150
[x] Hazel $100
[] Other - $15
Total so far: $150

[] Over 7′ - $200
[] 6′8″ to 7′ - $175
[] 6′0″ to 6′7″ - $150
[] 5′5″ to 5′11″ - $75
[x] 5′4″ to 5′10″ - $85
 [] Under 5′4 - $25
Total so far: $235

[] 50 to 56 - $175
[] 46 to 50 - $150
[] 41 to 45 - $125
[] 31 to 40 - $100
[] 26 to 30 - $75
[] 21 to 25 - $50
[] 19 to 20 - $25
[x] 0 to 18 - $100
Total so far: $335

Birth Order:
[] Twins or more than twins - $750
[x] First Born - $320
[] Only Child - $250
[] second born - $150
[] Middle child - $100
[] Last Born - $100
[] third born - $550
[] fourth born - $300
[] fifth born - $400
[] sixth born -$215

Total so far: $655

[] I did like twice - $400 (it was only a sip or 2 at a wedding)
[] Only Holidays - $250
[x] Sometimes - $215
[] YES - $200
[] only weekends - $300
[] Every other day - $50
[] Once a day - $15
[] I live from the bottle - $Bankrupt$
[] No - $600
Total so far: $870

[] perfect vision - $400
[x]need or have glasses/ contacts but dont wear them - $200
[] No correction - $100
[] Glasses - $50
[] contacts - $25
[] Surgical correction - $100
Total so far: $1,070

Shoe Size:
[ ] 13+ - $300
[ ] 12 and a half to 13 - $250
[] 11 to 12 - $400
[x] 7 to 10 - $500
[] Under 7- $450
Total so far: $1,570

Favorite Color/Colors (don't need to be 1, can be more):
[} Green-$750
[] Red - $600
[x] Black - $100
[] Yellow -$475
[] Brown - $300
[x] Purple - $225
[] White - $400
[] Aqua - $350
[x] Orange - $300
[x] Blue - $300
[] Pink - $100
[] Other - $500
Total so far: $2,495

did you use a calculator to add it all up?
[] Yes $0
[x] Nope - $1000
[] some- $750

Total: $3,495

© PaperLun
My bestfriend is back!! But not for long.. //: But I'm going to make the best of this time! FORSURE!! LOVEYOU!!!
didn't you know..?
i just want to know..
What does a guy feel when he falls in love? 
Format by Breeze<3






Format by Breeze


HEY!! I really need your help!! I'm doing an essay for school on gay marriage, and I'd like to know who can help me out so I can get more than one person's opinion.. If you're interested in helping me out, LET ME KNOW!! Thanks guys!! Love ya! <3
HEY!! I really need your help!! I'm doing an essay for school on gay marriage, and I'd like to know who can help me out so I can get more than one person's opinion.. If you're interested in helping me out, LET ME KNOW!! Thanks guys!! Love ya! <3
Hey you . . . Yeah i mean you. If you have taken a minute to read this . . The angels have seen you struggling with something. The angels say its over. A blessing is coming your way. If you believe in angels send this message on. Please don't ignore it. You are being tested. The angels are going to fix two (big) things in your favor. If you believe in angels . . . Drop everything and re-post

      He asked me to Prom..     