
Joined: December 23, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 141639
Location: New York.
Gender: F

Status: Get layouts at youwillbeguilty.jimdo.com !

Quotes by darcyisamazing11

I am not gay, but I do support the

I support gay rights, fully.
And if anyone ever needs to talk to someone about this, I'm here for you(:

I am joining The Butterfly Project, not because I do cut.It's because I've though about cutting, and I want people to have hope.I want support people who do cut, and give them hope so they can quit.To all of you out there who cut, I am here for you. Just comment on my wall, and I will try my best to help you.<3 (:
90% of people marry their 7th - 12th grade love.<3
Since you have read this, you will be told good news tonight.
If you don't repost this, your worst week starts now.

If you've tried your hardest,

&You did your best,

Then that's all that will ever matter.



As of 40 mnutes ago it is my Little Brothers Birthdayy.

Can I try to get 12 faves for his agee?!

Thanks Witty Girls/Guys!!!!!!!



Stay Classy..

Not Trashy.


Don't you hate it when your hair stretches out your hairtie?!

Cause I doo.

Why does my bed seem so much more comfortable when I wake up?








