
Joined: August 16, 2008
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 53687
 The name's Nikki, I'm 15 years old, and I'm a sophomore.  I blow out the candles on April 9th. I live in Chicagooo - best goddamn city in the whole world. I'm a happy drunk :) Parlo l'italiano. Ballet is amazing. I've never been in love - like really in love. I've never cried in public. I have a horrible sense of style. I'm one of 5 kids.  I have that gay best friend everyone wishes they had. I like staying up late and sleeping in. I always fall for the wrong guy. I expect too much from life. I have a really sweet boyfriend. I love being forgiven.

My 30 Favorite Things in the Whole World

1. random expressions of love
2. photography
3. being challenged

4. quality weed
5. boyfriends who don't cheat
6. girls who don't hate other girls just for fun
7. people who listen
8. dancing

9. little siblings
10. people with good taste in music

11. really good kissing
12. movies that make me cry
13. teachers that see me as more than a grade

14. swinging
15. old films
16. guys that try to keep a conversation going
17. being tickled
18. girls who don't gossip
19. having a good cry

20. teddy bears
21. really big hugs
22. Tumblr

23. getting compliments
24. old films
25. summer rains
26. biology
27. editorials in newspapers
28. chapstick
29. guy friends
30. spring
Mood:  hungover. this is fucking fantastic

Status: voglio innamorarmi
di lui perdutamente - i want to fall hopelessly in love with him


Quotes by dancetiludropdowndead

who here has been on witty
since 2008 or for more than 2 years??

i feel like the only one
fave or comment if u have

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
and sometimes we just need a shoulder that we can
cry on.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

&Everybody Wants Happiness

ra i n bow
without a little rain

&Everybody Wants Happiness

ra  i  n  bow
without a little rain


the best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched.  they must be felt with the heart []

-Helen Keller
Dear Daddy,

I love you, because you're my dad. I always will. Mommy says that you don't think we love you anymore, and that's why you do all the bad things you do. I wish I could tell you how much I love you, because I never have before.
When we came to pick things up from the house, Daddy, you wouldn't even talk to me. You wouldn't even look at me. I'm still the same little girl I always was...and you wouldn't even look at me. 
    Laney's really angry at you, Daddy. She says if we're not back home by the time school starts, she's going to go live with a friend. I think we're all kinda angry at you. Except for Maggie. She's only 9 years old Daddy, and she doesn't understand. She just misses you.
     We all miss you.
     We say a prayer for you every night before Maggie goes to bed. Even Laney. 
     Katie's a thousand miles away in Washington D.C., but even she's sad. I talked to her on the phone the other day. She's really scared, Daddy.
     And Mommy's really depressed every day, when usually she's so happy. I think she's scared too.
     Out of everyone, I think I'm the most scared. I'm scared, Daddy.

If ever there comes a day when we can't be together,
                                     I'll stay there forever


If ever there comes a day when we can't be together, 
                                 I'll stay there forever

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