
Status: hazza is fit.
Joined: September 18, 2011
Last Seen: 9 years
user id: 219223
Location: Neverland

wey hey.
Hi guys. Its Chloe.
First of all, I want to thank Steve and Witty and all of you.
You guys have helped me out alot since 2010.
But school gets in the way of witty.
Or witty gets in the way of school.
So I don't think I'll be on alot.
Or on ever again.
Anyway, thank you.
Really, thank you.
I love you guys.


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Quotes by dancerxo123

Dentist: *stabs me in the chest*

Dentist: You're bleeding because you don't floss.
Healing doesn't mean the damage never existed,
It means the damage no longer controls our lives.


       made eye contact, but it was only just a glance. they don't know they're in love with each other

    because they're both afraid to take chance  

It's weird that the greatest moments of clarity occur during moments of such confusion and stress.
Does anyone remember the Columbine High School shooting back in 1999?

One of the first victims was Rachel Joy Scott. A girl who wanted to make an impact on bullying and teens with suicidal thoughts. An overall nice person.

Today her brother came and talked to our school, Craig, who was also in the shooting, to talk about Rachel's Challenge, a challenge to stop all of the negatives. 

I can honestly say it was the biggest life changing moment I've ever had.

Thank you Craig
RIP Columbine Victims

Me: I love food
Friend: How about the calories?
Me: How about you shut up. 


we will probably never understand black holes

or why women fall madly in love with douchebags.

if only life came with a handbook on how to deal with the pain of today.
put the alphabet
in math