
Joined: March 24, 2012
Last Seen: 7 years
user id: 286282

Oh Hey I'm Kaitlyn

If you don't know me, dont judge me other wise i dont mind

Quotes by d0ubtful

1. My boy side
[x] I love hoodies
[] I love jeans
[x] Dogs are better than cats
[] It’s hilarious when people get hurt
[x] Shopping is torture
[] Sad movies suck
[] I own a car racing game

[x] I played with hot wheels cars as a kid
[] At some point in time I wanted to be a firefighter
[x] I owned a ds, ps2, ps3, n64, or sega
[] I used to be obsessed with power rangers
[x] I have watched sports on tv
[] Gory movies are cool
[] I go to my dad for advice
[x] I hate drama
[] I own like a trillion baseball caps
[] You used to collect hockey cards
[x] Baggy sweats are cool to wear
[x] It’s kinda weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people
[x] Green, black, red, blue, or silver are one of my favorite colors
[x] I love to go crazy and not care what people think
[] Sports are fun
[x] I talk with food in my mouth
[] I sleep with my socks on at night
[x] I have fished at least once

2. My girl side
[] I love to shop
[] I wear eyeliner
[x] I wear the color pink
[] I go to my mom to talk
[] I consider cheerleading a sport
[] I hate wearing the color black
[x] I like going to the mall
[] I like getting manicures and/or pedicures
[x] I like wearing jewelry
[x] I cried watching/reading the notebook
[] Dresses are a big part of my wardrobe
[] Shopping is one of my favorite hobbies
[x] I don’t like the movie Star Wars
[] I am/was in gymnastics
[x] It takes me around one hour to shower, get dressed, and make-up
[x] I smile a lot more than I should
[] I have more than 10 pairs of shoes
[x] I care about what I look like
[] I like wearing dresses when I can
[] I like wearing high heel shoes
[x] I used to play with dolls as little kid
[x] I like putting make-up on others
[] I like being the star of everything

3. Appearance
[x] I am shorter than 5′5″
[] I have many scars
[x] I tan easily
[x] I wish my hair was a different color
[ ] I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color
[ ] I have a tattoo
[x] I am self-conscious about my appearance
[] I’ve had/have braces
[] I’ve been told I’m attractive by a complete stranger
[] I have more than two piercings
[ ] I have/had piercings in places besides my ears

4. Experiences
[x] I’ve gotten lost in my city
[] I’ve seen a shooting star
[] I’ve wished on a shooting star
[] I’ve seen a meteor shower
[x] I’ve gone out in public in my pajamas
[] I’ve pushed all the buttons on an elevator
[] I’ve kicked a guy where it hurts
[] I’ve been to a casino
[] I always get mistaken as much older than I actually am
[] I’ve been skydiving
[] I’ve gone skinny-dipping
[] I’ve drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour
[] I’ve crashed a car
[] I’ve been skiing
[x] I’ve been in a musical
[x] I’ve caught a snowflake or snow on my tongue
[] I’ve seen the northern lights
[x] I’ve sat on a rooftop at night
[x] I’ve played a prank on someone
[x] I’ve ridden in a taxi
[] I’ve seen the rocky horror picture show
[] I’ve eaten sushi
[] I’ve been snowboarding

5 . Relationships
[] I’m single
[x] I’m in a relationship
[] I’m engaged
[] I’m married
[x] I miss someone right now
[x] I've played with someones emotions on purpose before
[] I’ve gotten divorced
[x] I’ve told someone I loved them when I didn’t
[x] I’ve told someone I didn’t love them when I did

6. Honesty/Crime
[x] I’ve done something I promised someone else I wouldn’t
[x] I’ve done something I promised myself I wouldn’t
[x] I’ve snuck out
[x] I’ve lied to my parents about where I am
[x] I’ve cheated while playing a game
[ ] I’ve ran a red light
[ ] I’ve witnessed a crime
[] I’ve been in a fist fight
[ ] I’ve been arrested

7. Death and suicide
[x] I’m afraid of dying
[x] I hate funerals
[x] I've thought about how I would die
[x] I’ve seen someone/something dying
[] I've had a near death experience
[] I’ve written a eulogy for myself

8. Random/Love
[x] I do sing...sometimes
[ ] Stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant
[] I open up to others easily
[never got married] My parents are divorced
[] I watch the news
[] I don’t kill bugs
[x] I sing in the shower
[ ] I am a morning person
[mentally] Ive been abused
[ ] I paid for a cell phone ring tone
[] I am a sports fanatic
[x] I twirl my hair
[sometimes] I care about grammar
[ ] I have “?”’s in my screen name
[ ] I’ve copied more than 30 cd’s in a day
[x] I bake well
[one of them] My favorite color is either white, yellow, pink, red, blue, black, purple, or orange
[x] I would wear pajamas to school
[ ] I like Martha Stewart
[ ] I know how to shoot a gun
[x] I laugh at my own jokes. cause they’re funny
[x] I eat fast food weekly
[] I’ve not turned anything in and still got an A in a certain class
[x] I can’t sleep if there is a spider/roach in the room
[x] I am ticklish
[i like it] I love white chocolate
[x sometimes] I bite my nails
[x] I’m good at remembering faces
[x] I’m good at remembering names
[] I’m good at remembering dates
[] I honestly have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life

70 questions, 10 faves & i'll admit:
1. name - Kaitlyn
2. Nickname - Katie
3. Elementary school - Glenwood and Irving
4. Tall or short - Avg. 5'4
5. Sweats or jeans - sweats
6. Orange or apple - apple
7. Do you have a crush on someone - no
8. Eat or drink - BOTH.
9. Piercings - just my ears
10. Pepsi or coke - Pepsi

Have you ever...
11. Been in an airplane ? Yeah it was cool (once)
12. Been in a relationship ? hell ya
13. Been in a car accident ? No
14. Been in a fist fight ? Yeee buddy. (I won)

Firsts & lasts
15. First piercing - ears
16. First best friend - Dorithica
17. First award - Best pushups in gym
18. First crush - Casey (went to school with my in elementary still does in middle)
19. First word - (dunno)
20. Last person you talked to in person - My mom
21. Last person you texted - Brett
22. Last friend you watched a movie with - Troy (brother)
23. Last food you ate - Arbys
24. Last movie you watched in theaters - Lorax with brett
25. Last song you listened to - Some song in bretts van
26. Last thing you bought - A drink? I  think lolz
27. Last person you hugged - Brett <3
28. Food ? brownies
29. Drink ? code red
30. Flower ? white rose
31. Animal ? hamster
32. Color ? gray/ pink
33. Place ? anywhere with brett
34. Movie ? spiderman (hell ya)
35. Subject? Social Studies.. (maybe)

Have you ever ...
36. Fallen in love with someone? YES<33
37. Celebrated Halloween? yup
38. Went over the minutes/texts on your phone? yesh
39. Wanted to smack someone upside the head? mhmmm
40. Eaten a whole pizza? yeah<3
41. Did something you regret? Yea v.v
42. Broke a promise? I think so. Yeah
43. Hid a secret? Yes,
44. Pretend to be happy? Yeah (not good at it lol)

Your future...
45. Want kids? ya
46. Want to get married? yes<3
47. Career? who the hell knows Im takin cullinary in high school...

Which is better in the opposite gender?
48. Lips or eyes - eyes <3
49. Shorter or taller - taller (not by much)
50. Romantic or spontaneous- intertwined<3
51. Hook up or relationship- relationship
52. Looks or personality- both.. more personality tho

Have you ever...
53. Lost glasses/contacts? loool ya
54. Snuck out? yeah
55. Held a gun/knife for self defense? i guess u cud say tht
56. Broke someones heart? yeah
57. Been in love? YES<3
58. Been arrested? nah

Do you believe in;
59. Yourself; not rly
60. Miracles; yes, how do u think i met brett<3
61. Love at first sight; F YEAH
62. Santa; naw man. so last yr xD
63. Forever & Always; yeah buddy

64. Is there one person you want to be with right now: YES
65. Who your real friends are : Brett... :/
66. Who was the last person you text : Brett
67. Who your best friend : Brett
68. boy you trust the most : Brett
69. girl you trust the most : Mom :D
70. Who was the last person you called : Brett.

Thirty-two secrets. Be honest
no matter what.

One -
Where was your profile pic taken? My porch

Two -
Are you being honest? Yea

Three-Have you ever lost a close friend? yeah

Four -
What is your current mood? tired

Five- Whats your brother’s name? Troy, Shane, Nick, Greg, Luke, Nathaniel, Matt

Six - Where do you wish you were right now? In bretts arms :3

Seven -
Have a crazy side? Oh yeah
Eight -
Ever had a near death experience? I guess
Nine -
Something you do a lot? Hang out with brett

Ten - Angry at anyone? Nope
Eleven -
What's the last thing you said to your mom? thank you
Twelve -
When was the last time you cried? either yesterday or today
- Is there anyone you would do anything for? Yep, Brett. Mom, Troy.
- What do you think about when you are falling asleep? Brett. Killing myself.
you still have pictures of an ex boyfreriend/girlfriend? Yep. On the computer I nvr deleted.. YET

What was the last thing in your mouth? Milk
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Brett <3
What is your favorite song? Mayday Parade- Id rather make mistakes than nothing at all

What are you doing right now? Sitting.

Twenty - Where did you get the top you are wearing? My aunt

Do you enjoy drama? If im not involved..

Twenty two-
Describe your life in three words? okay/sad/happy

Twenty three-
Who are you thinking of right now? Brett

Twenty four-
What should you be doing right now? Bretts ...***** ... JK. Nothing rlly.
Twenty five-
What are you listening to? H channel
Does it annoy you when PEOPlEzz TAlk likE THiS? ...Lets just say if I have a brick they better run.
Twenty seven-
Who was the last person who yelled at you? My mom.. always -.-
Twenty eight-Why
were you last sad? because I thought I wouldnt have classes with brett next yr

Twenty nine-
Do you use smiley faces on the computer? all the time
you ever changed clothes in a vehicle? Yep

Thirty one-
Are you happy with life right now? Ehh.. kinda

Thirty two-
Is there anybody you're really disappointed in right now? My mom

Once you find some one that makes you smile,
dont be careless, dont let them go.
Hold  them tight, because
one day they'll be

Accomplishment #7
When you answer one question on your homework page before going back to witty.
Accomplishment #6
When you have more friends in real life than on face book.
Accomplishment #5
When you get 15/20 questions right on a test.
Accomplishment #4
When you win an argument between you and your parents.
Accomplishment #3
When you keep your room cleaned for almost 2 hours.
Accomplishment #2
When you get 10+ faves on a quote.