
Joined: January 9, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 145387

smile you're beautiful ;*

Quotes by crosbylover123

*10 minute boyfriend* ( do in winter when its freezing)
me;'Hey, wanna go out for 10 minutes?
guy;  "sure but why 10 minutes?'
me; so you can keep me warm

hi, i wanna date you & never break up.

but the fish still swims..

friend: i think you shouldn't care for him too much.
me: why?
friend: because the more you care the more it will hurt when he starts to avoid you.

So you just texted the guy you like and he didn't answer ? It's because he fainted because he got so happy you texted him, duh !


'cause in the end all we really have is memories..

here's to the girls,
who have had their heart broken by
a boy they didn't even date..

and they're still in love..

boy, dont lie to me then apologize because i know you'll go do it again.. 

i found a guy that make's me want to stop flirting with other guys.