
Joined: August 17, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
Birthday: August 11
user id: 208865
Location: NZ
Gender: F

About Me Signs
Wavy Tail
hey i'm samantha

i'm 14 years young
fave colour: purple, red and black
fave hobbies: ice skating, writing, swimming, netball, singing and hockey
i am in choir and girl's barbershop at my school. and i am in third form, grade nine, year 9, turd-year whatever you want to call it.
nuff said oh and one more thing or two or three......
i love chatting/meeting/talking 2 people
i follow 4 follow on witty profiles and would be happy to read all of your quotes look at your page and become witty profile freinds if you want to and chat to you and give you adivce.
thats all thank you for reading this (:

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crazycat's Favorite Quotes

Plot twist:  I only have so many followers & get so many faves on my quotes cause im a guy


*knock knock knock*


*knock knock knock*


*knock knock knock*


Brain: If i saw myself from his veiw i would'nt have a crush on me, so why should i even hope he dose.
Heart: Well you never know...
This quote does not exist.

It's so much more than being 'sad' or hating your appearance. It's the constant suicide thoughts.. yeah, you're sad and you hate what you look like, but all you want to do is die, you don't have much of a social life, you isolate yourself from everyone. You think too much of all the things wrong with you, what you do, with your life, what you've done wrong. Anxiety adds on, not being able to breathe, the tears, the shaking, the worrying about everything. Seeing everyone around you, and thinking they're judging you. When they laugh, you automatically think it's about you. You feel so worthless, stupid, annoying, useless, that everyone would be better off without you and that no one really cares about you. The constant urges to jump in-front of cars, to cut again and again. The scars that look at and make you feel weak. You feel like you have no one and your life is a living hell. Depression is a rope around your neck and the longer you try to fight for your life, just makes the rope tighter. It's like a tornado, and once the big storms pass, you're left with the scars, the bruises, the thoughts, the sadness and the memories. The fake smiles, telling everyone you're just tired, when you're really dying on the inside. You're screaming for someone to realize and help you. Thinking no one would or could ever love you, that you're just not good enough for anyone or anything. I mean, who would love a depressed suicidal, clingy, annoying, useless, ugly girl after all? 
Don't ever wish for depression, you don't want it.. Believe me. I know too well how it all feels.. and it makes your life a misery, a literal, living hell.

Here I am,
This is me.
I cant quite tell,
Who i'm supposed to be.
But one thing is true, 
I know with no doubt.
Life's no fun,
when you pout.
So smile beautiful,
It looks real nice.
And dont let the haters,
Fill your heart with

I love being called pretty, but i'll never believe it.
I'm not always right, but I hate admitting that I'm wrong.
I'm almost always smiling, but it'a not always real.
I can be read like a book, but hide so much.
I work hard for things, but don't always get what I deserve.
I'm just a girl, take me as I am
on of the hardest decisions you will ever have to make is when to
stay and try harder
take your memories and walk away...
not my quote
This quote does not exist.

Everything I tell myself when I realize that no one is looking.