
Joined: April 3, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 162645
you're my only hope.*
hey guys courtney here(: most of my followers already know me(: i've been on witty for a while know! you should check out my quotes or comment or start following me. i follow back i promise(: somethings about me im currently single not loving it at all. im in my freshman year of highschool(: im 14 years old, i turn 15 in august(: so excited! well i have some really good friends, some have witty's check them out! i'll post there screen names some place down there. <3 well comment and get to know me bye witty girls and boys(:





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Quotes by courtneynicolexo


A - Available? yes!
B - Birthday? august 19th
C - Crushing on? this boy who doesnt know i exist at all.
D - Drink you last had? ginger ale ((;
E - Easiest person to talk to? kristen and leeza <3333
F - Favorite song? not sureeee
G - Gummy bears or gummy worms? gummy worms!(:
H - Hometown? norwood !
I - In love with? i cant say.
J - Jealous of? all those girls he flirts with.
K - Killed someone? neverrrrr
L - Longest car ride? ahhahahaha 9 hours
M - Milkshake flavor? lololol chocolate
N - Number of siblings? 1 broooooo
O - One wish? to have him
P - Person you texted last? leeeza
Q - Question you are always asked? why are you so short?
R - Reason to smile? seeing him<3
S - Song you last listened to? drops of jupiter(:
T - Time you woke up? 5:45
U - Underwear color? white with black green pink polka dots(;
V - Violent moment you had? not sure.
W - Worst habit? lieing.
X - X-rays you had? noneee i remember
Y - Yoyos are? FUN(:
Z - Zodiac sign?gemini♦


my boyfriend
does this really cute little thing
where he doesn't exist. ♥


but now i'll go

sit on the floor wearing your clothes all that i know is i dont know

  how to be something you miss.♥


last kiss- taylor swift ♥

the freshman girl,
oh so shy, sits and watches the sophmore guy. the sophmore guy, with his head in a whirl , sits and watches the junior girl. the junior girl, in her red sedan, sits and watches the senior man. but, the senior man all hot and wild, secertly loves the freshman child.

if me and my girlfriend  

were fighting and it got to the point 

where she started crying i would just shutup and hold her

- justin bieber.



Format by Sandrasaurus

If yo cr over over a gu

then your friends cant date him , it cant even be considered.

-taylor swift<3


S ophist ication
 isnt what you wear or what you know
or pushing people down to get you where you want to go. ♥




bro sorry to brea it to you

 that isnt swag thats just being a dick.