
Status: In a relationship
Joined: November 10, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 338109
Location: 666 last house on the left
Gender: F
I have an amazing boyfriend and family. I am a fish i love to read and hang out with all my friends and writing is a passion i have. Oh and GO UT!!!!!

Quotes by courtdork98

To Love is one thing, To be Loved is another but to have both is Perfect Love

to feel the pain with in 
Keep Hope You'll Find The Truth

(Chapter one)
Swoosh! Ahhhh!  Let me off now!! “Daddy come on or we will never be able to ride the ring of doom!” Amber said weakly and excited at the same time. Today was the day everything would be perfect the best day of her life. Her big brother, Davis is home from the hospital he spent three years in there with cancer and he has almost beat it! And her dad is getting a billion dollar deal! “Amber I am on the phone PLEASE be quiet!” Mr. Smith Screamed, “Dad you PROMISED this time would be different that you wouldn’t yell or be on your phone!” Davis spoke bravely knowing that there were witnesses around so he couldn’t hit him or Amber.
“Davis I am on the phone trying to launch my billion dollar deal with Hollywood.”Mr. Smith said angrily. “Fine I will take Amber through the haunted maze let me know when you stop thinking about money and yourself!!” Davis screamed so loud a hand full of people turned around to see the commotion. Dave took Amber’s Hand and about ten minutes later they arrived where they headed for. Davis walked in and amber stood in the gate way. Davis looked back and asked Amber
“What’s wrong? Are you scared?” “NO! I just.......” Amber stammered “Well? Do you wanna race?” Davis tried to plead Amber he knew she loved to race all the time by time she was seven  Amber became the track Star of the little county called Clear view lake. “YES! Will you race me or are you too scared?”Amber tried to discourage Davis but it didn’t work well not on him. So they had been racing for at least, five minutes.  Davis had asthma and Amber was so far ahead that she couldn’t hear him as he gasped for air, and called out for  Amber. She still thought they were racing as she found the end of the maze.
About an hour passed as she waited by the exit no sign of Davis she got scared. Davis was still holding on but he was passing out fast running out of air… could she save him or would it be too late? She ran back she was running so fast that she fell! She found him but, he was barley breathing.  She cried begging for his mercy. She took out the whistle and blew on it; it took around five minutes until everyone crowded around her dad was still on the phone as he walked up. And he looked around there was no sign of amber only Davis on the ground motionless.
Did Amber decide to run back for help? Soon enough the ambulance was there trying to get Davis conscious again. It was three days after the terrible accident and still no sign of Amber! Davis had just woken up from his comma and been told to take it easy. “Where is Amber I want to tell her it’s not her fault?” Davis whiled. “No one knows where she is or what happened.” Mr. Smith tried not to cry in front of Davis. Just then Ms. Smith walked in crying so hard she couldn’t speak. But, she sat down next to Davis and hugged him and managed to say “it is not you fault either nor your dads, all I know is she cant make it with this weather all alone, and I am glad you’re okay.” “MOM don’t say that she can do it she is my sister and she can fight anything J-J-Just like me with the cancer.” Davis said barley trying to convince his parents Amber was still alive even him self.  He spent all that night trying to remember what happened but he just kept thinking how warm her hands were and how cold the tears dripping down her face were. He has spent the whole morning talking to everyone, and that afternoon being questioned by the cops. What happened to amber could she be there looking for me? Could she have wondered off? Is she ok, safe, alive, crying for him? It was torturing him. He wondered maybe just maybe if he went back she would be there scared on the floor waiting for him. Was she still running?  Wait he remembered something a scream calling for him and people yelling telling them to shut up. It was Amber! Why hadn’t been there for her when she needed me, I have to save her, I can’t lose her again.

We weren't made to HATE we were born to LOVE