
Joined: November 4, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 132023

Just a silly teenage girl♥
Hi♥ the names Heather, i'm 13 & in 7th grade. Woopdie doo. middle school sucks. dramaaaaaa. Okay so I'm the type of girl that believes anything can happen. One day your life can suck, & the next you can meet prince charming and live happily ever after♥
Anyway, I love to write & sing, even though I'm not very good (:
I don't think I'm a mean person, but if you piss me off I can be a total bitch & I could care less. I consider myself an insecure person. aLSO i MAY BE YOUNG BUT I'M SURE AS HELL NOT NIEVE. mY MOTTO IS " I'M OLD ENOUGH TO KNOW BETTER, BUT YOUNG ENOUGH NOT TO CARE "
i LOVE THE COLOR PURPLE. i ALSO LOVE CHRISTINA PERRI, DRAKE, EMINEM, NICKI MINAJ, FINE FRENZY, BLINK-182. i'M OBSESSED WITH jAMES LAfferty, he plays nathan scott on one tree hill, & i think the guy i like will look like him one day♥

Quotes by colormyrainbow

just because he's a boy
doesn't mean he should get 200+ favs for a stupid quote

sorry this just really annoys me


admit it
you talk tO your pet


My Great-grandmother once said
a man may go to sleep hitting me
but, he sure as hell won't

That should be me
holding your hand

That should be me
making you laugh

 That should be me\
feeling your kiss
That should be me\

buying you gifts

Fav if you think people should stop saying "fav if"

those hot faces
we make when we
brush our teeth

when we see a
love quote we
all think of 'him'

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