
Joined: February 13, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 152910

hii i'm greer (: i'm fifteen and i'm livin' life to the fullest. i love sports, family, friends and especially music. i love listening to others and i'm a peer helper at my school. so if you have questions or need advice i'm always open to answer anything !

get at me ;
ask away !


Quotes by cheershrimpson

sure, he may not be the tallest or hottest guy ever..
but he sure is the most sweetest and cutest boy ever. he makes me laugh, smile, and he compliments me to the point where i blush 24/7. i don't care if there are hotter boys out there, he isn't a tool ; and he's mine <3

please read ;

on thursday, a freshman boy named Pat Mizwicki was running cross country with varsity, but decided to slow down so the freshman could run with him. later when they finished, everyone got back to the bus to go back home, but Pat was not there. there had been police cars that drove by earlier, but they didn't think anything of it. turns out, Pat had been hit by a car, and he had died. tonight, my entire school and other families are meeting up at my school to have a candlelight dedicated to him all night. i never knew the kid, but i still cried at school friday. every single freshman was crying, boys included. Pat was close to so many, and he had touched the hearts of everyone. if i could just get a few likes here for Pat, i'm sure he would appreciate the fact that you read this and care about him and his family.

R . I . P  Pat ; forever and always in our hearts, and never forgotten <3 ( 9.15.2011 )

& you're the boy i want, but probably won't get.

♥A Perfect Guy

• give her your hoodie even if you go to different schools
• give her a big t-shirt of yours to sleep in
• leave her cute messages
• kiss her in front of your friends
• tell her she looks beautiful
• look into her eyes when you talk to her
• let her mess with your hair
• just walk around with her
• forgive her for her mistakes
• hold her hand when you're around your friends AND in private.
• let her
fall asleep in your arms.
• stay up all night with her when she's sick
• watch her favorite movie with her
• come up and grab her by the waist

Remember This:
• don't talk about other girls around her.
• if u love her others shouldnt matter
• when she's sad, hang out with her
• let her know she's important.
• kiss her in the pouring rain
• when you fall in love with her, tell her.
• and when you tell her, love her like you've never loved anyone else before
• answer her phone calls no matter what

:;Guys repost as: I'd do this for her.
Girls repost as: Perfect boyfriend.

--if you don't repost this in four minutes you will lose the one you love.

:)If you do repost this in four minutes the one you like/love will:
-call you
-kiss you
-message you

you know my name, not my story. you've heard what i've done, not what i've been through. if you were in my shoes, you would fall the first step.

and am i the only one
who is afraid
to fall in
love ?

how come i'm not good enough for you ?

This crazy thing called life.
Is all darkness and light.
Battles fought, and battles won.
Things may get tough, but the war’s just begun.
So put up your fists,
And swim through life like a fish.
Fight through what you can,
Because things will get hard
and you’ll feel like you’re slipping through sand.
You’ll fall apart,
But this is just the start.
Grab onto life and hold on tight.
Get ready for the big fight.
Things go downhill.
And you might feel the world standing still.
But the world always moves.
So be tough and to them you’ll prove,
That you can be strong.
And you have been all along.
So show them you’re right,
And they’re always wrong.
Don’t let them tell you,
What to do.
Don’t let them push you,
Do what you gotta do,
And they’ll let you be you.


everything was so worthless, i didn't deserve this.

but to me, you were

 p e r f e c t