
Joined: September 7, 2013
Last Seen: 3 weeks
user id: 371084
Gender: M
Can I get your attention girls if you are reading this you've just accepted to be my girlfriend. XD kidding. 

I am the most amazing guy in the world. I'm sweet, intelligent,and a good friend. I love making people smile, laugh, I think I'm good at it. I enjoys comedies most, but love a good scary movie.. Now before you get off my page make sure to hit that follow button, got it

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Quotes by charming

Im goin to miss you...
they say the first love is the sweetest but the first cut is the deepest, I tried to keep us together but you were busy keeping secrets, secrets you were telling everybody but me. -drake
Normal people: -Sings lyrics Me: -Sings lyrics -Sings backup vocals -Sings guitar riffs -Plays air drum -Head bangs til my head falls off
Love isn't perfect. Love isn't a fairytale, and doesn't always come easy. Love is overcoming the obstacles, and facing challenges. It is fighting together, holding on, and never letting go. It is a short word easy to spell, difficult to define, and impossible to live without, but most of all it is realizing that every hour, every minute, and every second was worth it, because you did it together!!
Replacing my heart with a liver so I can drink more and care less.
I'd rather say "never mind" than repeat myself.
would you believe if I said im in love?
♥ ( /_\)
Have you ever wanted someone so bad it hurt? I did.
Live the life you want to live. Be the person you want to remember. Make decisions, make mistakes. If you fall, at least you tried.
A faithful guy likes a girl with a job, down to earth, respectful, and responsible! Not a tatted up female that smokes weed and takes pictures with her A$$ on the sink! KEEP THAT IN MIND LADIES