
Joined: June 1, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 179252

Cassies the name. I blow out the candles January 14th. 
Im 14, & single is the way to gooo :* 
8th graderrrr.

Like any other i try my best to get through each & every day. 
My friends & family play the most important role in my life. Justin bieber too. But hes mine.

cassiexo's Favorite Quotes

We're goin' at it tonght
& we're dancin' on the edge of the Hollywood sign


i'm not a toy
you dont just put me back in the
box when you're bored of me


Roses are red. Violets are blue.
He's for me, not for you
& if for any chance you take my place, I'll take my fist

Smash your face.
I'm going to start being nice to my mom,
because apparently its legal to kill kids now.

fave if....
your parents fight
your parents are divorced
you only have a mom or a dad
your adopted
you've lost a family member
you cut
you are depressed
you think no one understands you
you've been heartbroken
you wish you had someone elses life
you don't think you're beautiful
you feel like you'll never find the one.
you love him, but yo don't think he feels the same

well my dear

you're not alone ♥

keeping your six pacwarm,
with a layer of fat.

not my format.
This quote does not exist.
This quote does not exist.

Guys look a whole lot hotter with snapbacks on