
Status: In a place of my own, dreaming about the possibilities that may or may not happen <3
Joined: September 9, 2011
Last Seen: 8 years
user id: 216921
Gender: F
Heyyy :)
My name is Carina my bday is Nov.6(any twins?)
Anyways, my life isn't a walk in the park, no it's far from that. For example, my best guy friend, who is almost like an older brother to me, is throwing his life away. My best friend has had issues before but she moved away and left me alone. Well not exactly alone, I do have other friends, and I love them like h*ll, but they don't understand. I have my own dark secrets too, but they are secrets that are better left unsaid.
 Hmm... That sounded quite mysterious... (^_^)
But I just have to say that if you honestly need help with anything, please I'm here to listen. I had to keep my friends secrets, and although I wished that she could’ve told someone, I respected her and did not tell anyone anything. I don't want anyone to suffer like that, it hurts me too much. I may not understand what you are going to, but I want to atleast help. <3

  • My favorite color is turqiouse :)
  •  I am 100% Mexican, and yes, I live in the USA. I'm proud of my where my roots are from. The culture is amazing.
  • I do not tolerate any discrimination of any type. For example, , sexism, I don't think people should be judge for their religious practices, sexual preferences,
  •  I've gone through a few things myself, enough to understand pain.
  • I love cats. Haha. And food, can't forget food.
  • I love one direction, casting crowns, nickelback, three days grace... and many many more ;)
  • And to be honest, I can be a hopeless romantic, hehe :)

Oh... before you go check out this singer, he is a... well let's just say that he's an acquintance . But he is an amazing singer, or I think rapper is better way to describe him. Please *Puppy eyes* Thanks :).





Quotes by carcar15

I hit the court, and when I jumped, I jumped, I swear I got so high! I touched the net! Momma I touched the net! This is the best day of my life
It's funny how we use the word Him to describe... well him. And no one else would really know who we are talking about but us. The Wittians. We don't know each other (well most of us) personally, and yet, we probably know more about each other than the people invloved in our real lives, our lives that we have outside of our phones, or computers. I find it funny how we don't judge. But then again, it is because we know how it is to like to judge those we barely know. I just love it how we really are like a big family...
If I tell you how I feel,
Would you tell me how you feel?
'Cause all I need to know,
Is if this is all worth it,
If it's all worth the heartbreak

I am so stupid to think that you would ever like me
I tell myself that I would get hurt thinking that you might
But every time I see you, my heart starts fluttering
And I always end up hurting myself
all the time...
Facebook is my homepage
My House Is My Physical Home
But Yet...
Witty Is My Real Home
Dear Super Smart Scientist,
Can You Explain To Me The Teenage Girl's Brain???
Sincerely, Teenage Girl
Math Class
Boy: OMG! I just figured out something mind blowing
Class: What?!?!
Boy: Easter is always on a Sunday!!!

^^True Conversation^^
That Awkward Moment...
when your friend text you a 3< instead of <3...

Don't Walk In Front Of Me
May Not Follow

Dont Walk Behind Me
I May Not Lead

Walk Besides Me And Be My Friend <3





There Are Plenty Of Fish In The Sea...
Yea But There Is Only One