
Joined: October 19, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 228960


Name: Molly Joe
Age: 14 
Birthday: 10-30-11
Height: 5'1" 
Gender: Female
-Eyes: Blue/Yellow  
-Clothes: Hoodies , Skinnies , Tee shirts, boots .
-Accessories: Braclets and necklace.
-MakeUp: Eye shadow , eyeliner, mascara
*Crushing? Yes
*Who: Ryan
*Taken: Yes
^Eminem's music keeps me going , without him I'd probly be dead .
^I have major anger problems. 
^I love Volleyball , I've been playing for 2 years now
^I swear a lot backgrounds!heyllllllooooooffType Here. To change sizes, change the numbers after the width and height. To change the border color, width, font size and font style, change the numbers and names.heyhey guyshvbadfadfadfadfadfadfadfadfadfadfadfadfadfadfadffffff

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Quotes by cantstandit81411

Okay so , I want to get my boyfriend the perfect gift for christmas and I'm starting to loom now but , I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT TO GET HIM ! I'm willing to spend 125.00 $ and thats all the money I have saved . I know what he is getting me is going to be amazing but , Please help !
My Boyfriend ? I feel like we have known eachother our whole lives . We just got together almost 3 monthes ago and I am SO , In love with this boy . His Laugh , His Smile , The way he talks , His attitude , The way he looks at me . He Is all around perfect . There is nobody that could ever compare to the spot he has in my heart . I honestly do want to spend the rest of my life with him . He crys when we argue and tells me everything and helps me get through all of my problems . Not only is he the love of my life .. hes my bestfriend too .
My Birthdays Tommorow :D <3
a girl was beat by her father. if you dont repost she will show up at your bed at 2:12  
You Don't Have To Smoke Weed To Be Cool , Favorite if you agree <3
The things we love the most are the things that destroy us the quickest .

                - Wiz Khalifa

You don't have to be perfect , to be beautiful 

I blame movies for my high expectations in relationships. 
    They say that love is forever
                                                               your forever is all that i need . ♥