
Status: Please talk to me.. I dont bite :)
Joined: October 8, 2011
Last Seen: 8 years
user id: 225084
Gender: F

You're Beautiful

 Hi. Im Anjelyn. 16. Philippines.
(Directioner and Arianator) - Profile Counters
< <3 Profile Counters

Quotes by candyjhenx

You deserve someone who knows
how to make thigs up to you after hurting you,  not someone who is very good  with just the word "sorry".     



Literally, after they mate, the Black Widow immediately eats her ex.
Atleast Taylor Swift just write a song about you.


Him: I miss you.
                               Me: Honestly, I have been waiting
                                for you to tell me that. But it's
                                    gotten to the point where i don't 
                                          want to hear it anymore. You treated
                                           me like sh/t and honestly I could never
                                             open up to you like I once did. Because
                                             you didn't just hurt me, you completely
                             destroyed me. So im done.


Whoever is reading this,
You are BEAUTIFUL and someone out there
is CRAZY about you.
So SMILE, LIFE is too short to be UNHAPPY.


Texting someone,
and falling asleep
while waiting for the reply.



Some dreams
just aren't  meant to come  true
and I learned that from you.


Anjelyn's Fanfiction

Imagine your on Vacation and One Direction is staying in the same Hotel as you are.

You walk out of your room and see all five boys walking towards you.

Harry is the only boy that stops, and the other Niall gives him a puzzled look.

Harry stops just to tell you how beautiful you are, and how you caught his eye. <3

You are in a relationship with Harry Edward Styles
1 minutes ago · Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson and 5 others like this.

<3 thank you, wittyonedirection (:


Hearing people talk bad things about

One Direction

infront of you and feeling like 
throwing a metal chair at their face!


ME  w/o YOU is like,
Captain America w/out his shield, 
Iron Man w/o his suit,
Thor w/o his hammer.
 Yea, Im weak w/o YOU.


Im the type of person,
that tries to fall back asleep in the morning just to finish a dream. <3