
Joined: July 9, 2011
Last Seen: 8 years
user id: 192442

Totally failed the auditions for school play!!
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Hi. My name is Cammi. I have a fraternal twin sister and a younger brother, as well as two parents, as well as a wonderful girlfriend named Lexi (her witty is RiseAboveItAll - and I'm bi). I have a pet siamese cat and a very old dog with a brain tumor. I am a depressed freak who's bullied constantly by everyone she knows. I have thought of committing suicide and cutting myselfas well as tried twice. I feel ugly and useless, and I don't truly trust anyone I know in person. Witty is my haven (until someone I know finds/reads it). There is so much I want to tell witty, but I am so worried somebody I know will find and read it. I've had several close calls. I have a few witty users for several reasons. I am a Whovian, Gleek, Nerdfighter, and Starkid!Some people say I'm smart, but I just don't 'apply myself'. I love music and theater, and someday want to be on Broadway. I've done many plays, but only one professional. I've auditioned for a TV show and Broadway shows. I can't wait for some of the results! I hate people shoving their beliefs on others, as well as advertising. I am passionate about the things I enjoy. If you have any good song choices, then tell me! I have a wide range of 'likes'. If you want to ask me a question, go right ahead. Don't be worried about the content. But don't be confused or angry if I give you a funny answer or one you didn't expect. It's either I don't want to answer, or I didn't understand. Feel free to remind me! I am unorganized, and my parents don't want my face out on the internet. my phone is being stupid, so I will text anyone who gave me thier number ASAP! Love ya! Oh, and here's to fucking Lorcan. Thanks for the emotional and physical scars.

Quotes by cameely

G o my dam stomach  pumped......

thanks, Lorcan & Overdose & Cuts & Life & Arcans (Army of Lorcan) & Other Bullies

last night on earth tonight.
thanks, lorcan

Hi, everyone who is reading this. I need to tell you all something.
There is a user, Lorcan.
I tried to be his friend. He was sortof my witty idol for a while.
So he decided to bully me.
Mostly on facebook.
He got his friends together and they started spreading lies.
They threatened me.
So I left facebook.
Now I'm leaving witty, because they've started here too,.
Thanks for all who've helped me.

Never be bullied into silence.
Never allow yourself become a victim.
Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself.

~ Harvey S. Firestone

I'm invisible to all who I want to love
Hold your cursor over this quote.


Imaginwhaquotes caachieve.

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Quote # 5360864 was added by CAMEELY to funny 22 Mar 2012 at 7:55am
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I bet you can't fave this, but look at the buttons!→

not my awesome format


You've all helped me so much...
So thank you so much.
Special thanks to RiseAboveAll, who is now my girlfriend[:

Tried to cut for real for the first time...

didn't go through the skin, but it left marks.