
Joined: August 20, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 209641

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Quotes by bskd1214

Truth is....
I'm always gonna love you, no matter what you do, no matter how many times you make me cry, no matter how many times lie. I know when you say that you love me it's a lie....and that's the biggest lie anyone could every say! 9-20-2010 <3

Be safe... buckle up!!! :)

- Inside joke on the bus! :)

I am  56 % obsessed with my looks.

{x}Curling Iron
{X}Hair spray
{x}Other sprays
{x}Bobby Pins
{x}Round Barrel brush
{}Blow Dryer
{} You have dyed your hair
{x}You have had highlights

{x}Black eyeliner
{x} other color eyeliner
{x} eye shadow
{x} mascara
{} fake eyelashes
{}eyelash curler
{} eye shimmer
{}colored contacts
{x}stunna shades
{x}makeup remover
{}olive oil
Total so far;6

{x} red or pink lipgloss
{x} lipstick
{x} chap stick
{}lip plumper
{}electric tooth brush
{x}teeth whitener
{}lip liner
{}more than 15 lipglosses
total so far;5

Complextion/overall face
{x}makeup remover
{}face wipes
{}cover up
total so far;3
{x}nail polish
{x}nail filer
{x}nail clipper
{}nail buffer
{}cuticle remover
{}nail hardener
{}nail brush
{}fake nails
{x}nail scissors
Total so far;4

overall total;28
Now,add your score and multiply it by 2.
Then , Repost as i am _% with my looks. 

Teacher: Are you feeling ok?
Me: No!
Teacher: What's wrong?
Me: You're teaching us to much stuff that we don't care about and don't want to learn.. that's what's wrong!
Teacher: ????
You were my first love, my first kiss and my first everything. You broke my heart, but because I loved you and always will when you said you loved me I said it back. When you asked me back out I said yes.. hoping that you won't hurt me again, hoping that our love will get stronger! <3
I Love You Babe!
If you LIKE, LOVE, OR MISS someone right now
and can't get them out of your head
then re-post this within one minute and whoever you are
missing will surprise you. <3

Type your name: KayKay
Type your name with your elbow: kaykiay
Type your name with your eyes close:karkar
Type your name with your toes: kayk,ayh
Type your name with your chin:kzAhgykm,azazShyg
kType your name with your nose:kaykay
Bash your head against the keyboard: 76uy
~ Repost this but delete my answers and enter your own
<3 if your fighting with your boyfriend, going through a break up, or just broke up with your boyfriend and need someone to talk to. </3
The hardest thing that I've seen is..
me making my boyfriend cry! :'( </3
                            The End... is just the beginning!