
Joined: May 13, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 173914

Hey all you witty girls! My names Loranna Denise. I'm am currently a sophmore! I'm a very loving, outgoing, friendly person. I get along well with pretty much everyone, except when you start shit with me. My family means everything to me, i have a close bond with them all. My lil' brother is my world & i'd do anything for him. He's my bestfriend, we do literally everything together.<3 Nadine & Leigh are my bestfrands!(:

Quotes by boobearalan

maybe next time he'll think before he cheats.<3
this quote is for every girl out there, that got hurt by a stupid boy. hang in there beautiful. you deserve better than him, trust me. (:

my boyfriends dad: guys you know when those geese fly in a V & theres always one side that's bigger than the other? ... well do you know why?

my boyfriend, his mom, & me: noo..

my boyfriends dad: because theres more birds on that side.

were all just like clueless because we thought he was gonna give us some scientific answer. gotta love my boyfriends family.(: