
Joined: April 27, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 74745

hii im charly-rose and yess its pronouced charlie  boyy!

but i love my name and my freindss!! lol

ummm if you wanna know more than add my on facbook...charly stanton :)

Quotes by blooboo222

your like 13 you dont know what love is.
And you wont be with your te guy you with right now,
for the rest of your life.

You think you do know but really you dont.
Trust me you get over him.
Move on.
And look back and laugh about it.


  Honestly..who cares if anyone is against or with gay marraige?
i say do and belive what you want becasue your, your own person.
And no on shuld be able to tell you what to do or belive..
like if your with gay marragie do u want a cookie or somthing?
Or maybe the people that are against it want one?
You know wat..maybe you should all get one for beliveing in what you do.
And if your yelling at someone or saying terrible things to them for something that they dont agree with u on..grow up lol
like you all dont eve know eachother and one rrly cares what any of you think on this site..its witty just a place for quotes..not drama..and like i dont even caaare if anyone cares what i think cuz..this is MY OPIONON lol.
so i think everyone should just get over it :D

What he just said to me< legit<33

I wanna hug u..from behinde tho..i wanna come up behinde you and hug u..kiss your neck tehn turn you around and kiss u while holden you close hand  on your hips<3

& all the other boys try to chase me...but heres my number so call maybe ♥

I like One direction,
But im getting sick of seeing quotes about them 

No offence if anyone really likes them

Happy indigunous people
Thats what my daddy calls it<3
(like it if you get it)

*like it if your native american:)

I want a witty besttt freind...someone i can tlk to all the time and trust them and tell themm my secrets:)
ik this isnt prertty..but somtimes friendship isnt pretyy<3
any takers??

What is LOVE?
In myth, a problem.
In history, a battle.
In science, its a reaction.
In art, its a ♥ xxooxx
But to me?
Love always will and simply be,