
Joined: June 13, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 182653
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in chrome

Quotes by berenice010

Today I don't feel like doin anything,
I just wanna lay in my bed......

holy crap is that cake?? *gets up*

My letter is A

Food : apple

Color : auburn

Game : Are You

Smarter Than A

5th Grader

Friend : Alex

fav for a letter [:
Admit It 
Hearing your favorite song on the radio is better than hearing it on YouTube

Without flaws,

there's nothing to make you unique

Perfection is a flaw within itself

I would rather be hurt with the truth,

than protected by a lie

Admit It You've...... 
Taken a picture of him and put it as your phone's wallpaper
Admit It You've...... 
Tried to balance the light switch between on and off
Admit It You've...... 
Turned the TV on for backround noise so you dont feel lonely while you're on the internet
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