
Joined: May 13, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 173763

Tough times lately. :/ But my fellow wittians keep me on my feet and walking strong with a smile on my face! :D
I live in Ohio, not really liking school lately being a freshman sucks :/ I only trust one person in my life besides my parents. I love writing, singing, and reading. I'm 14.
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Quotes by belieber206

what started out as a simple hand injury is now threatening to ruin my entire career plan. I want to be a Veterinarian it's my dream. I go in to get tested for arthritis next week... if i have arthritis I may never be able to be a vet because I can't risk my hand hurting and having to stop in the middle of a surgery. I'm scared to death I don't know what I'll do if i can't be a vet I've never wanted to do anything else.
Soooo the heating system at our school wasnt working right, and the only warm room in the school was the band and choir room. Yet they still make us go to school? O but they were kind enough to let us out of school 10 minutes early.....
Yes school tomorrow!! said no one ever....
Except for the shy nerdy girl who has nothing else to look forward to and doesnt like being at home all day…
Well school sucked today... as usual, but hey atleaast I'm able to get an education right? :)
I love you with all of my heart. I could never be without you even if that means just being friends for eternity. I just want you to be happy, and if things ever go wrong I'm here for you any day any time no matter what. Just know that I will love you forever no matter what happens and that you can be sure of.................. the quiet girl slowly deleted from her computer too afraid of what would happen if she sent the message.
You know what sucks? Being hopelessly in love with a girl who you're invisible to; knowing she'll never be yours, and no matter how hard you try she'll never even consider you because she couldn't possibly have the same feelings towards you :(
Sorry i haven't posted the story my internet crashed then school started and i got caught up with school work. :/ I'm certainly not going to set a date but i will try to start posting again soon!
Someone asked me why i play soccer today if i always complain about it. my answer: I may not always love soccer but i can't imagine my life without it. i live for the countless hours of practice, the lifelong friends i make during the season, that feeling you get after a great win, and even the feeling after a tough loss. Soccer is my life and i wouldn't be me without it.
i used to stress about what everyone thought about me, but then i thought "why should i try to blend in and do what society says?" So, although i may have lost a lot of friends, its cool cause i can now go into school completely comfortable with my self and not care what evryone else is saying :)
And the girl that I've fallen hopelessly in-love with doesn't realize that I find myself speechless everythime I look at her.