
Status: Be You Ti Ful
Joined: September 18, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
Birthday: July 2
user id: 219137
Location: Rhode Island
Gender: F
Hello Wittians! My name is Mikayla, and I'm 15 and blow out the candles on July 2nd! I live in the little state of Rhode Island! 11 years of dance. In a relationship :) I've always been a shy, reserved girl, but I've grew a bit more confidence.. I love summer, the warmth, the friends, everything about it. I'm not much of a girly girl or tomboy. I love Coldplay, the Fray, the Script, and Aj Rafael. I've been diagnosed with Anxiety, and being watched for Asperger's. I've been bullied since 1st grade, and it still hasnt stopped. I've been standing strong and independent for most of the year, with my close friends by my side. I've lost some and found some. I believe that everything happens for a reason. Before I go, all you girls are beautiful, inside AND out. You WILL find someone. Just be yourself, not a copy of someone else. I love giving advice to you all and I will help best I can.

Quotes by beanie98

Sometimes I don't even know who I am anymore, I'm lost in my own mind.

I always wonder,
What will become of us?


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I still remember
that first "Hello," and I hope there is no "Goodbye."

Because of you,
I'm afraid of my favorite place,
even my favorite season,
                     summer won't be the same.


I wonder if you ever truly love me,
or I'm just a past time
for you.

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It may be hard to find,
but it will alway 


find its own way

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The more you sweat in practice,
The less you bleed in battle

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Coldplay, my biggest inspiration. They cheer me up all the time, and I love their music. Their songs are unique and each one is different. You can call me weird, but Coldplay is my music, my only music. 
Summer please come faster. 
I was all part of a stupid bet.