
Joined: January 19, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 265314

Quotes by baileyreid

sometimes the girl who is there for everyone wishes someone was there for her
if history repeats itself... i am so getting a

i ate a whole box of thin mints and i do not feel thin!
-my cousin told me this :)

i told my ex i wanted to kill him,
he told me that i needed professional help
so i hired a hitman

i hear screaming... 
                            thats the last time i buy duct tape at the dollar store
My Crush:
say your crushes name 6 times
now close your eyes and make a wish about them
decide whats more important love, or 10 million dollars
now make another wish about love or the money
repost this in 60 seconds with the subject "my crush"
and you'll get an unexpected talk from your crush 

If you read this it means alot and if you don't thats ok too. if you have any ideas about what to do with my dad just let me know because i have know idea what to do anymore.

Dear dad,
 Since the devorice you have changed sooo much. You are not as understanding, not as fun, not the dad i know. The dad i know would let me go to pratice, let me go to my tournaments, let me go to school functions, let me go to my friends houses. What happened? When you met your wife is when you changed the most. You lived 10 minutes away from mom  and me and my little sister, now you live 2 hours away. Your life is with your wife 2 hours away let me live mine in Owen. Even though you chose your wife over me i just want you to know that i am your daughter and no one can change that but she may not always be your wife. I know this is going to hurt you but me and my little sister hate having to go to your house. Please just let us go and let us live our life.

I am sorry.

Bailey Reid 

im not scared to die,
im scare of how much time i have left.

if nothing ever changed,
there would be no

To bad we all can't stay kids when eveybody was friends and our world was perfect :/