
Joined: April 23, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 168267

' baby you were born this way,
So, my name is Autumn, im a freshman and i live in the middle of nowhere in maine, Im taken by the most amazing guy ever, Yanni Rakis. When i grow up, i want to be best at what i do. i love photography, art, soccer, pigs, hunting, fishing, mudding, four-wheeling, camping, family, and track. i pretty much get along with everyone so if you want to know more, feel free to leave me a comment. my number one pet peeve is when people say "i know how you feel." because truthfully they dont. i have been through so much family and school drama that i get upset very easily. please dont make fun of homosexuals, my best friend is bi and my sisters best friend is gay so keep it to yourself. my inspirations are lady gaga, my dad, bruno mars, andy warhol, and my old art teacher. i dont wear make-up and i recommend you dont. the way you look without make-up is who you are and you shouldnt be ashamed. everyone is beautiful, just in different ways. oh, and if you mess with my friends, i will most likely mess with your face.
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