
Joined: May 23, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 176740
Photobucketmy cat iz sexy. 

Quotes by attat779

pick up the pieces

of your heart

i know you hate to hear this

but it's time to re-start



admit it
after that song, you can never say apple bottom jeans the same


admit it.
the person who judges you the most is,


Format by Sandrasaurus

a very special girl passed away today
my dog.
she wasn't even to her 2nd year of life.

atleast one fave for her precious life I wish she still lived


Pretty Little Liars  Quote;
Hannah: I swear if i see another plate of green jello i'm going to throw up on your shoes
Spencer: Ok, i'm just gonna walk behind you...


Format by Sandrasaurus





Staring at

a cookie tray, trying to determine wich of the big ones your going to choose


admit it
we've all leaned back in a chair and fell in elementary school ♥ 


you hate that weird feeling you get in your throat when your about to cry