
Joined: November 5, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
Birthday: August 10
user id: 234596
Gender: F
~Basketball and swimming~

Quotes by apetersonn45

30 day challenge:2. Intials of someone you love
I don't love anyone nor have i ever. But intials of the person I like are KH
30 day challenge:1. 15 facts about you
1. I'm a freshan
2.I self harm
3. I hate the town i live in and can't wait to leave
4. I always screw things up with people i really like
5. I love tattos and can't wait to get them
6. I hate living in America
7. I am anorexic
8. I'm very insucure about my thighs 
9. I don't really care what other people think about me
10. I don't get embarressed easy
11. I can't spell to save my life
12. I love to read and could do it all day
13. I am obssessed with tumblr
14. I always notice people's eyes first
15. I can not wait till TFIOS come out 

30 day challenge
1. 15 facts about you
2. Initials of the person you love
3.Your closest friends
4. The thing you most fear
5. The saddest moment in your life
6.Favorite sport
7. Favorite song
8. Your deepest secret
9. First impression of the guy you like now
10. Last time you cried
11. Thing closest to your heart
12. When you hear this song you cry
13. Place you wanna visit badly
14. Favorite book
15. Favorite animal16. Favorite show
17. Last time someone hurt you
18. The story behind your life
19. Person who scares you the most
20. Last major injury
21. Favorite youtube video
22. Phone type
23. Biggest confession
24. Last break up
25. Last heart break
26. The day you regret the most
27. First friend
28. Favorite drink
29. A letter to someone in your family
30. A letter to a friend
It's amazing  how you can
in love with a person that you
didn't even notice the first
time you met them.
You are 
perfect exactly
as you are.
With all your flaws and problems,
there's no need to change anything.
All you need to change is the thought
that you have to change.
I killed a girl, she was nice and full of life. She had tons of friends and everyone loved her. She didn't deserve to die. I killed her a little more each day until she was finally gone. I cut her wrists and bruised her skin. I starved her of food and clled her fat. The sad thing is no one even tried to stop me. I didn't do it by myself, lots of people help. It's to late know, she's never coming back. 
The funny thing is, that little girl i kiled used to be me.
My body isn't perfect.
I don't walk with confidence.
I get into fights with my family and friends.
Some nights i would rather be myself then out partying.
I cry over the smallest things sometimes.
There are days were i get through with a forced smile and fake laugh.
Sometimes i try to convince my self hat things are okay when they are not.
I'm not ugly but i'm not beautiful.
I don't like as good in real life as I do in pictures.
There are some nights were i cry myself to sleep.
I constantly think im not good enough.
I'm not perfect, but im imperfectly me.
Sometimes the girls thats been there for everyone else needs someone to be there for her.
Having that one friend that's like a sister. 
If you want me, show me. If you need me, tell me. if you have me show me off. If i'm worth it, fihgt for me.