
Joined: May 18, 2010
Last Seen: 6 years
user id: 109370

Quotes by anjcrazii101

but yeah i dont like anyone either. liking someone is a waste of time. i always like people that clearly wont like me back. its not that i pick people out of my league its just that idk. im not likeable. whaaatever. i gave up a long time ago.


>>>>>>> nmq


"one of the hardest things you'll ever have to do is to stop loving someone because they've stopped loving you."

-Kendall Jenner


"one of the hardest things you'll ever have to do is to stop loving someone because they've stopped loving you."

-Kendall Jenner 


>>>>>>> nmq


if you're single, make the best of it. it's not because you're not good enough for anyone, it's because no one is good enough for you. 

if you're single, make the best of it. it's not because you're not good enough for anyone, it's because no one is good enough for you.



being in a
great mood
but of course SOMEONE has to ruin it.


this time something is different
i actually feel happy. truly happy. my smile is actually is real, for the first time in ever.

Shakespeare said: I always feel happy, you know why? because i don't expect anything from anyone, expectations always hurt.. life is short, so love your life, be happy.. & keep smiling. just live for yourself & before you speak,listen. before you write, think. before you spend, earn. before you pray, forgive. before you hurt, feel. before you hate, love.
before you quit, try.
before you die,

that akward moment when
 you see notifications on witty and you accept that your life is complete.

© Credit to Groovygirl001(: